How does this pass as Cinema quality animation?
I know nothing of Moshi Monsters other than seeing banners for the toys at Morrisons or wherever I pass by to find the DVDs and games, I assume it's a low grade, simplified Pokemon that came 14 years too late.
After seeing Kermode's review of this the first thing that shocked me was the animation, it looks like something a first year animation student could do, I've seen better things on in 2005! I don't know if this has a TV Show or DVD movie already but you'd think they'd step the animation quality up a little bit for the big screen, especially with all the Pixar and Dreamworks movies that get more detailed every year. I even saw a snippet of this on the big screen before Anchorman 2 and the gigantic outlines and obvious flash tweening was already bothering me.
I don't even think this warrants a DVD release, it barely warrants being an online flash series since Happy Tree Friends had better animation 10 years ago.
I need a drink after ranting about an awful kids movie that nobody seems to care about but me.