MovieChat Forums > Cult of Chucky (2017) Discussion > Just watched it May Contain Spoilers

Just watched it May Contain Spoilers

I loved the nod to NBC Hannibal since Don Mancini was a writer on it. The movie was entertaining but didn't have much resolution, it kinda feels like it is just setting up another movie. The obnoxious jumpscares were pretty annoying, they were all basically "HEY *INSERT CHARACTER NAME* WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

It was nice seeing Andy back, but I thought they had more planned for him, his plan of defeating chucky was kind of non-existant, considering he purposely gets himself locked up in the asylum only to just barely face off against Chucky.


The gore was pretty decent at least.


i agree with everything that was said here, but i still liked it. not quite as much as curse, but i still think it's great. and for the second time in a row, the franchise has a awesome stinger with a character people probably forgot about. though i must admit the stinger from curse was waaay more bad ass. also Andy's plan to enter the asylum was still pretty awesome too, despite not having a full face off with chucky. i also like how andy has become a paranoid bad ass survivalist.


I personally thought this movie was absolutely terrible and an insult to Child's Play fans.


I can see why you'd think that. I guess after Curse my expectations were low so I wasn't expecting much and so watching it, I found it entertaining but nothing great.


After Curse, I was expecting the movie to be taken relatively seriously again and the first half of the movie does that well. Nica's fate at the end was insulting, Andy was completely wasted again, stupid characters everywhere, the rules for Chucky being changed completely out of nowhere and without an actual good reason behind it (Voodoo for dummies, are you fucking kidding me?), Chucky having no real goal at all anymore, too much fan service and ultimately, the movie was pointless.

Nica didn't even have a chance to change her fate at all. Characters were just being killed off or possessed (or characters still blamed her even though it's completely moronic to do so) and made it impossible for Nica to do a damn thing to either escape the Asylum or to kill Chucky. She literally just pretty much sat around waiting for the ending of the movie. The only redeeming qualities were the kills (Chucky putting his arm down the woman's throat felt kind of overboard), Nica and Andy (who were both wasted characters) and the few call backs to the original trilogy of Child's Play movies.

The problem for me is that Don didn't focus on making a good movie. He made a decent half of a movie and then decided to make it all about fan service, references, and comedy. I saw potential in a claustrophobic asylum set horror movie where Nica still has to prove her innocence while everyone around her is literally more crazy than she is, but nope, had to just possess her at the end ruining the character (after all she has been through).

Could they make an 8th movie and have Andy somehow find a way to get Chucky out of her while other Chucky's try to stop him? Sure, but I think too many mistakes have been made with this franchise at this point and I think that it is better to be kept dead. If they do make an 8th movie, just make it about Andy and give Nica a smaller role instead of Andy having a glorified cameo where he does NOTHING (seriously, goes to the asylum and gets thrown in, but does nothing to try to save Nica, just has a battle with a Chucky doll in his cell and that's it? Why was he even in the movie?).


After Curse, I was literally expecting for Cult to go the route it did, mostly because Curse was boring as hell and pointless to me. This one, while hysterical in some scenes and being more entertaining than Curse was, I still agree with you that this movie was more pointless than Curse. The Voodoo for Dummies thing was just a callback to Bride of Chucky which I chuckled at, but at the same time, the fact that he can just split his soul and do whatever now, takes this once good slasher villain and makes motive kind of pointless now.

The first five movies, his goal is to transfer his soul out of the doll. By the end of Seed, he's about to finally complete that task by transferring his soul into the limo driver, but then he decides not to. Think about it. Chucky has spent 16-17 years trying to get out of the doll, and what happened leading up to that point? He spent 10 years chasing after a 6 year old boy up until he was 16 trying to get into his body, then turns his ex-girlfriend into a doll and winds up having a kid with her, he's impregnated actress Jennifer Tilly with his semen, and is about to possess the body of her limo driver. Realizing how complicated everything has gotten since the first movie, Chucky decides he'd rather take his chances as a doll.

Curse, to me at first, seemed like it was setting up a new chapter of Chucky movies where he tries to go back to those who escaped his wrath, previous survivors, and kill them all. I thought that's why he went after Nica, and why he went after Andy six months later. But apparently, his goal wasn't to kill them but possess. He wanted Nica and Andy to be possessed by him, even though most of Curse he actively tried to kill the shit out of Nica. So, now his goal is to track down previous survivors, split his soul to possess them, make them kill for him, and then...what? But I thought he'd rather stay in a doll? So, why is he doing this? Because being possessed is worse than death? Maybe, but that's still stupid.


The thing that irks me the most is the incompetence of the police in these movies. I know this is a horror movie, so obviously the police would not do a good job, but the police in these movies are absolutely retarded. Let's talk about Bride for a minute. Charles Lee Ray's fingerprints are found at a crime scene, ten years after his supposed death. In New Jersey where his corpse was buried, police would find that he was in fact dead, but a doll that was once impounded as evidence from Child's Play 3, is found with blood oozing out of it next to his corpse, and the DNA would match Charles Lee Ray's dna as well. So obviously, this doll would be kept in evidence this time, right? Maybe investigated, or maybe people will start listening to Andy, Kyle, his mom and others? Nope, Hollywood is going to buy that doll and use it as a prop for a horror movie based on that doll's supposed murder spree. How the hell does that work in police work?

Now you get Cult of Chucky, a psychiatric hospital that will for sure have security cameras showing three dolls up and about killing people. Oh wait, the last Chucky doll may have destroyed the video footage off-screen like he did in Curse, off-screen. But even then, Chucky expects police to think the nurse and the multiple personality guy to have committed the murders, yet the one victim had his head crushed in with a red heel worn by the paraplegic, who is now missing. And how can a paraplegic stomp his head in when she's FUCKING PARAPLEGIC? And how do they expect to write off the dolls as being not possessed when the doll Andy caved in clearly has blood and shit that will, almost 30 years later, show that its DNA matches the once dead serial killer Charles Lee Ray.

While I love the first movie (which was re-written by other people who weren't Don Mancini), these sequels that Don Mancini wrote and directed have seriously gotten fucking ridiculous.


At this point, I honestly wouldn't be against a remake. I want another Child's Play movie, not a Chucky movie and I thought that Curse was getting things back on track rather well but this movie literally seems like Don did a bunch of drugs while making it and somehow thought that making a non-sensical, reference ridden movie with some of the stupidest characters since Bride and Seed was somehow the way to go.

When the day comes that a Child's Play remake is announced, I will actually be interested, but if a sequel is announced, I have no more interest left in the franchise. The only way I could maybe care is if Andy is the main character, trying to save Nica (for REAL this time) and the movie is the explicit final chapter for Chucky, Andy and Nica for better or worse.


I just watched it yesterday:

I quite enjoyed the movie although I wasn’t so keen on some parts:

*spoiler alert*

I thought Chucky putting his soul in lots of dolls at once was a bit too much and got a bit confusing, and blood and guts coming from Chucky in Andy’s cell when Andy shot him I thought was dumb since it’s a doll not a human body.


Chucky is supposed to become more human the longer he spends in each doll body. Which is something that this film completely forgot to make light of.


It was nice seeing Andy back, but I thought they had more planned for him, his plan of defeating chucky was kind of non-existant, considering he purposely gets himself locked up in the asylum only to just barely face off against Chucky.

Ya I kinda got the feeling Maybe they may have edited the ending to setup another sequel...They spent the whole movie setting up Andy , Making you think he had a plan...Then it just doesn't pay off at all...I'm thinking maybe the shot a more complete ending with Andy, But changed in post post production so it would better set up a sequel...Maybe the original ending was Andy had a Great Plan and it worked and killed the Chuckys or Maybe Andy got killed instead, But they then changed so they could bring Andy back for another one...

I dont know something just seemed off, the movie spent way to much time showing how prepared Andy was and clearly showed he had a plan....and then we got an ending where Andy basically had no plan and was defeated in 15 seconds, I got to believe that wasn't the original ending...
