Am i getting this right?

So the young mustache guy tore up the picture with proof of a second guy being there, because even though he resented the things his partner did, he didn't want to implicate him in the not-so-police-y murder of the guy in the swamps?


Did he tear up the photo showing the second guy in the room or the photo showing his partner in a protest. I thought the latter, he probably wanted to get his partner's past out of his mind.

As for his partner's killing of the serial killer, he SAVED Juan's life, i think Juan should be more than grateful for Pedro's act in the end.


You're confusing Juan and Pedro's characters.


He tore up the photo of his partner in a protest, where he killed two people.


was SO disappointing seeing him join the system in the end.....


Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


He tore up the picture of his partner at a protest years earlier where some people said he shot a girl twice.

I regard him killing the murderer as justified. He was wounded after being shot by a serial killer and had lost his gun. The killer was not going to surrender and would have killed his partner too. He had already said you always protect your partner. This is when he said he took the blame for the shooting of a woman protector years earlier. Did he shoot her? Emotions in Spain are still so raw that many people on both sides don't want to dig into who did what during the Civil War and start present day blood feuds. People go to all kinds of lengths in tit for tat revenge attacks. Such as photo shopping to add or eliminate people in pictures.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


Or did he tear up the picture of himself in the newspaper article? If so, perhaps he was ashamed of having worked with a torturer. Not sure. This film left too many questions.


No, he tore up photos of the protest from Juan's days as "the crow".

He knew from the start that Juan was a corrupted/dirty detective (remember Pedro's snide comment about Juan taking money and spending time at brothels, etc.?), which is why he rejected Juan's friendly invitation to join him for a drink. Pedro is a play-by-the-book type while Juan isn't.

But during the investigation, Pedro's view of Juan improved, due to Juan's good-guy actions. When they solved the case, Pedro believed Juan was a good guy and a victim of bad rumours (the protest, brothels, etc.).

The photos of the protest proved two things: Juan lied to him and the rumours were likely true. Pedro however tore up the photos because (my interpretation) he didn't see the world so black and white any more. Pedro himself did some questionable things during the investigation, after all. It was also to cover up for his partner, presumably it'd be better to work with someone you know inside out - flaws and all - than with a stranger.




That scene is an ambiguous scene. The viewer is supposed to interpret what it is he's thinking in tearing it up.

For me it's one of two things, he understands the police need people like him.

It could be him saving his life, he'd forgiven him.

Or it could be he just doesn't care about it anymore.
