With such a high dose of heroin in his system...
...the only logical conclusion is that he shot himself first.
We got no FOOD! We got no JOBS! Our pets' HEADS ARE FALLIN' OFF!
...the only logical conclusion is that he shot himself first.
We got no FOOD! We got no JOBS! Our pets' HEADS ARE FALLIN' OFF!
My money's on him doing both simultaneously.
shareFor me..the obvious conclusion would be YOU Can't KILL YOURSELF TWICE!
Scenerio 1) Kurt shoots up first..he would be on a state of euphoria IF he wasn't unconcious first. In a state of such bliss I doubt he'd feel like killing himself.
2) He shoots himself then shoots himself up with a large dose of heroin.... very doubtful if ya ask me. Neither of these scerios make sense to me. They only do if someone else was involved. Which brings me to...
Scenerio 3) Someone was hired by Courtney to give Kurt enough heroin to render him immmobile. Then shoot him and come up with some crap story. Call Tom Grant ask for help and claim Kurt to be missing and make it look like a suicide when they find him. In the green house , which is probably a spot he would go to hang and most of his "friends" would know about this as a thing kurt would do to be alone. Detective Grant was given the run around by Courtney and Cali..sorry if I got the name wrong I'm terrible with names. .anyway there seemed ro be LOTS of checking in wirh Courtney on his part and her telling him what to do the entire time along the way. Also CL excuse for not being able to help find her husband WAS LAME!! So she had business to do.. WHAT could be more important than finding your husband and father of your child? Especially if Kurt was soooo suicidal. I call bs..mmaybe I'm totally wrong. And this is just my conclusion. IMO Courtney calling Detective Grant was a cover up and she was n of expecting for the focus to be turned on her. This is only my opinion. So please refrain from responding with nasty comments. I am in no way saying I am right. I love to hear all sides about this subject. ..
I like this documentary because it points out inconsistencies like the previous proof that amount of heroin a person WOULD be able to function, at least briefly, was nonsense...based on their methodology. Only way to know would find a person willing to do the exact same amount of heroin and observe them...not gonna happen.They used Methadone. I know a lot about Methadone and as the pathologist noted, it's not apples to oranges but apples to brownies (or whatever). It takes about an hour to 2 hours for full effect, and people that used to take a lot of heroin a day can often be fine on 40mg a day. I'd love to know how much Methadone they gave the man. I know there calculators online, but I've only used pain meds to methadone conversions. I'll look I'm sure I can find one for heroin.
IMHO The main point people should take away is that the SPD blew it. Now, we will never know. Body was cremated too quickly, the gun also. I mean they just bought into the suicide mythology. Pretty bad when the ex Chief of Police even says they messed up and he would re-open the case.
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
I was rushed to the ER once due to a spinal fluid leak that was causing massive headaches. They gave me Dilaudid through IV and all I can say is.....when you're feeling that good, dying is the last thing on your mind and when you're that stoned, simple things like picking up a pen is a bit of a challenge.... Lol. So I'm not buying the suicide scenario at all. The SPD sure did screw this one up.