re-open case petition

10,274 sigs as of tonight. Keep the pressure on and sign!


How many does a petition need?


Only needs 359 more signatures!

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.



Yep, me and the GF did awhile ago also! Time for Justice...just watched Kurt and Courtney and Soaked in Bleach (both on Netflix right now) today. First time seeing Kurt and me it just shows the mindset of the when they interview her ex-FB Rozz (I thought it was Ross but on the board it is Rozz)....he has her old notes : 1) Befriend famous musicians like REM 2) Become friends with Michael Stipe..etc..checklist for becoming famous. And her own dad hates her. And that was from like 1997/8. When she was going "Hollywood." That didn't last although people like her have a natural acting talent. Lying comes as first nature. And the babysitter what she had to say...if she didn't have him killed he killed himself to get away from her forever! It's pretty bad when the ex Chielf of Police says they screwed up and would investigate as a homicide. Time for another look at this! What does Courtney have to hide besides clearing her name?

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.



There's too many petitions floating around. Everybody can't sign every single one. Therefore, it sends the message that there isn't a lot of people wanting the case to be reopened.
