Please explain!!

Okay so i'm at episode 6 of season 1 and i'm confused as hell.
Who the heck are the good guys and bad guys?

Obviously Holdens crew and Millers crew are good but who the hell is the politician and I also started to think the Mars people were also good and the Terroist organization are bad?? {no clue}

Also why the heck is Jared Harris speaking like a black man {so annoying}


Most characters are not good guys or bad guys. Just people with differing agendas. By the end of the first season at least three villains have been introduced but you won't realize who two of them are until further down the road. The Martians are mostly good guys. The politician is mostly a good guy. The OPA is actually multiple factions under the same name. Some revolutionaries, some terrorist. All the Belters speak with mixed dialects and languages because the vast majority of them are mutts and rarely interact with people who live on the planets. They have basically become a separate race of people with their broken and quickly mashed together language. Much like their ships and stations.


Thanks for clearing that up.


This language thing makes no sense since there are public media and the written language which would keep it all together.

In earlier times it lacked both.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


Yet people still speak in ebonics to this very day.


...which derives from earlier times.
When blacks slaves were barred from the professional literature.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


Most characters are not good guys or bad guys. Just people with differing agendas...

The OP just goes to show us how ridiculously simplified the plot lines and characters of entertainment narratives can be. That in the absence of cowboys wearing either white hats or black hats, some people remain confused lol.

I have to say that while the quality of current cinematic releases generally sucks balls (if you consider anything other than the CGI), we're spoilt rotten with the quality of writing and production values in our TV series! :D
