Great show, BUT..
I LOVE the expanse - adult, Science Fact SciFi, and everything is done so realistically that I applaud the production team. I love the sets, the costumes (Terrific space suits, and as my dad was an Apollo space suit designer, I have an eye for these things..). The acting is terrific, although Holden is a bit too wooden.
My gripe is with this episode, 'Safe'. Did I see it wrong. or did the UNH Nathan Hale fire missiles at Phoebe Station?. This makes no sense in the writing, because it was the Martian Scirocco on the way to Phoebe who said "we can't let it fall into UNH hands". Of course, the shill at the Earth/ UN didn't want anyone to get to Phoebe, either. But for them to fire on Phoebe seems to play their hand, especially given that they were alleging Mars was "saber rattling". At the end of the episode, it is confirmed that the Martian ship Scirocco fired on Phoebe. Anyway, I found this line of the story backwards, but then again, I'm high as a kite.
I am the eggman, we are the eggmen, I am the walrus - koo koo, ka-choob