Just Started Watching It On Netflix But...
I'm not so sure I will be able to watch all the episodes seeing how weak the first episode has been. The reaction by them when the daughter returns is idiotic. They are going with quite shock but the actors are not doing a very good job of pulling it off. I'm sorry but your dead daughter reappears and I get it that at first mom probably thinks she is seeing things but not a chance in Hell she would have let her out of her sight. All of them are way too calm about the situation and right now I'm at the part where the woman finds the kid and it's even worse. Hi strange kid come in and eat something and I will not call any authorities until tomorrow because as a grown adult it's better to treat a possible missing child the same way you might treat a stray dog. This is terrible storytelling. I'll finish the first episode but if this is the best they can do I'll probably skip the rest.