Some return to comedy

I have to admit, I did not see the first season (would still like to altough I don't have Hulu), but some previews for this show caught my eye and I checked out the first episode of season 2 and thought it was crazy! The episode where they party constantly (end up with a DVD "red box" in their home and when they woke up after stealing what I can assume is a like a "google maps" car) was insanely funny. It then took a weird turn with the whole depression storyline. The finale was very funny, however. I do hope they get the depression under control so one of the main characters is no longer a "zombie" and they make it weird/funny again. It is nothing like anything else on TV when they are not trying to tackle a complicated issue like severe depression, it is an amazing show. The boozing pregnant-mom-to-be was not in good taste, the rest of the finale was very funny and entertaining...


Agreed, I love the ending. I didn't mind the mom drinking, its not the first time shes done that on the show. It just shows how terrible of a person she is, like her sister she doesn't really possess any redeeming qualities.


You'd be surprised how many women still drink while pregnant, it's not quite as awful for the fetus as the industry would have you believe. It's still bad of course so moderation is key, but they over sell the dangers to really scare people away from it. All across Europe many women continue light drinking while pregnant with no problems. My aunt drank occasionally during all 3 of her pregnancies and her kids are all just fine.


The "industry"? Do you mean the medical community? and research into FAS isn't an industry. And it's not so much that medical practitioners "oversell" the harms of alcohol as it is that the medical community has admitted it doesn't know/there isn't any specific amount of alcohol that can be qualified as safe vs harmful. So while the odd glass of wine here and there, especially after the first trimester, probably won't have any affect on fetal development, because there is no specific amount that can be considered a conclusive threshold for harm, it's in best practice to have guidelines that minimize alcohol consumption.


The finale was great. All the "bad" episodes basically culminated in this episode.


Honestly the only two bad episodes this season has to be the 5th one and the 10th one. Episode 2 was okay. But the rest were all amazing television.
