"I used to like this show waahhh whats with the dramatic turn wahhh"
Dudes, dont you get if Gretchen's plot and character wasnt being drowned out by depression and they kept partying and being weird it wouldnt be the dramatic turn you'd be complaining about, it would be that "this show stays the same something new needs to happen IM BORED, etc" and you know it. They are experimenting. Writers write see if its works. what doesnt.
People complain regardless. it USED to be funny I hate this show Im leaving wahhh. its like nothing has soon for improvement or has to up to your expectations 100 percent of the time or your adhd @ss will go to the next station.Will you hold up a minute and let a show go through the angle and seeing if "gasp" a new plotline will develop or maybe we need to see this out of gretchen in order to get the plenty of goodness to come? I swear some of you are like those house guests that the hostess needs to entertain 24/7 because they dont know how to go with the flow, entertain themselves or perhaps open their mind up and start thinking differently. its like some of ya'll cant deal with "depth" in storylines at all.get the brain thinking WHY did they put this in the storyline....no its gotta be pulling out the stops every second, minute of airtime or PEACE OUT we are gonna go to a new network and since I liked the show 99 percent of the time and you let me down 1 percent with this gretchen depression mess- I'm gonna write a damaging review on what a waste this show is!!!!!
Gretchen had depression so it would allow other storylines to happen. More airtime to see Lindsey evolve. Hilarious weirdness of Paul and his new girl, Vernon and his strangeness. It was opening up the opportunity for this show to be multifacetd for feature seasons to come because like I said ...gretchen and jimmys hijinks alone would get boring at some point..but most importantly gretchens story It allowed Jimmy not to feel wanted, confused on why Gretchen is acting like this,maybe they should break uo? etc and it allowed the storyline to go have the tryst with the bartender. if there was no stress or tension in their relationship the storylines would STAY AS IS... SAME thing and as funny and great it is once you experience the sameness time after time- then you'd complain nothing ELSE but the sameness happens. I agree with alot of people the depression as real and serious that issue is- I suffer from severe bouts past 15 years- it really made me mad at gretchen for being a snatch ( but I remember what a snatch I was) and changed the dynamic a little bit ... but change is needed.
BUT... I just went along for the ride and stayed calm and made sure I had other things going on in my life because I knew this too shall pass and it would get resolved or it would soon come back to the LOLS.... I didnt put all my eggs in one Youre the worst basket with this show and didnt get anxious,worried or panicked then exploded " WHATS WITH THE DRAMATIC TURN i NEED MY FIX OF SAMENESS DAMNIT!!! WHY IS THIS SADS TOWN NOW??!!!!" geez its like an addict without its crack! simmer down now stay calm.... GRETCHEN MADE HER COMEBACK AND THEN SOME.