i love this show. let me reiterate: i LOOOOVE this show - or what it used to be past season. this depression vibe is not ok with me, what are you doing? and after this last ep, the whole gun thing, i swear if gretchen shoots herself...
#cloneclub /i am the topic closer, the real topic closer//if you post after me a faerie gets cookies
If you want a return to season one you should have loved last nights ep. Drunken morons acting boorish. Gretchen's depression reduced to "look she's hiding under a blanket ha ha ha". Lindsay suddenly somehow becoming a hip hop diva. All cliché cookie cutter lowest common denominator sitcom nonsense.
Why is it "not okay with you"? It's the reality for a lot of people, and a show like this tackling depression is doing a lot to legitimize a real struggle.
But I agree, Gretchen shooting herself seems very unlikely. The gun was more making a point about American tropes than anything else, I think.
I could see someone like Edgar, who wasn't around for much of this, finding it and THINKING this meant Gretchen is considering shooting herself as a B-plot, but I don't think Gretchen would shoot herself
Because 'trope' is used as much if not more than "jumped the shark" and "Hitler" combined on these message boards. So he assumed you were joking. Unless this post I'm replying to was sarcasm. It is so hard to tell any more.
"you'll collect me at 7, and feed me with roast meat, ply me with cheap liquor, and defile me in abject and merciless ways"
Oh Helen, we've always been on the same side of these things - except that one time (you know the one.) Don't topple my delicately laid web of cards (I can mix metaphors with the most adept of the mediocre.) I haven't even gotten to the bees and spiders yet.
Now thanks to you, should he deign (no, that's the opposite of what I mean. undeign? indeign?) to return I'll have to speed up my timetable. Not to mention now I have to find a quote on bees and spiders...
But you're still my friend regardless Helen.
I've assumed from of onset that this was a thread branch of troll versus sarcasmatist. And I can never pass up my chance to be Eris's torchbearer in these situations.
Maybe it was HelenaAnnBasket; I always get you two confused. Of course you knew me as Onion-Jack back then but I thought my style would have tipped you off.
Answers are not possible when the original tangent post was either trollic or sarcastic. I suspect the former. Everything thing that follows is smoke and mirrors and the stream of consciousness that follows. A game of cat and mouse. Both assuming they are the cat of course.
It’s the bees and spiders again! They stole my food stamps, and sold ’em to the rats. And I tried to get down to my car, for to honk the horn for help, but the snakes has gotten it for the cockroaches. I go back upstairs, but the spiders has jammed the police lock! I ain’t been inside for a week, and I know that my wife is sleepin’ with the bees!
I'm not a loon but I play one on the internet. I also do parties and plan responses to predicted responses to global currency hyperinflation. One of these is a lie.
Oh, now Onion-Jack I remember, and fondly, though I recall none of our interactions at this late date. There's just a general good impression.
Just pleased to be remembered at all. Every once and awhile I like to slap on a new coat of paint. With very few exceptions overall impressions are all my brain ever coughs up.
I think you're off on who the troll in the thread is, here, though. But hey, have at it! Get them bees!
Damn, in going back and carefully rereading the instigation I do believe you are right. I think I need to take a shower.
"I'm a big fan of random capitalization. The rules are so unfair to the letters in the middle." reply share
Hello! Welcome back from the holidays. I hope you and possibly yours had a wonder [PC]Appropriate remark.[/PC}] We don't observe any static holidays - although we end up celebrating Discordia Day more often than not. Nevertheless we have enjoyed the quiet and peacefulness this time of year affords us. Thank you for asking.
In your absence my friend Helen has suggested that perhaps I should reread (I'm paraphrasing considerably) this thread to possibly reconsider my position on you being a troll or a fellow prankster and even went so far as to suggest that I am the egregious party.
Sorry, lengthy break there as our neighbor's car choose that moment to burst into full Michael Bay style flames and I felt compelled to watch it on the CCTV. The lead fireman with the hose tripped, fell straight on his face and tangled the still flaccid hose. Even given the brief Keystone cops like routine that followed for a few minutes they still had arrived in impressive swiftness.
But now it is just billows of solid white smoke everywhere you look. So back to you. Where was I?
Oh yes, your second chance. If you are truly not a troll or a prankster you may restate your question, concisely and preferably using different words. Five part harmony and full orchestration may be added entirely at your discretion.
Should you pass I will attempt to both answer your question and explain my initial response to it clearly. Though most likely not concisely; I have a tendency to ramble.
Should you fail in your mission I have decided to abandon the bees and spiders approach but will most likely stay within that oevuere if for no other reason than it fits the task at hand.
Should you choose to bail, I do hope you enjoy your life to its fullest. Take it from a dying man, you only get one and goes by just as you are starting to understand it.
Double Tagline Day: If you take like too seriously it stops being funny.
There is no rehearsal here. This is the one and only take.
In the beginning was the void. And it got lonely and threw up all the materials that would coalesce to form everything we are and all that we see and hear and all that we can't see or hear.
With me so far?
You can lead a horse to beer but you can't make him drive you home.
It's the reality for a lot of people, and a show like this tackling depression is doing a lot to legitimize a real struggle.
trust and believe i have no issues with shows or movies portraying depression or other psychological and psychiatric disorders as i'm all for mental health awareness! but it seams disingenuous to this show and rather forced, even - and it might just be me - a sort of after thought! it just seams way out of character for gretchen and it just seams like they're using it too much to justify things. i predict jimmy's gonna cheat with the waitress and the gun situation i understood that it was a criticism of america but the way it was left, i dunno, to me it seams like it was put there to be used further along the line but i might be wrong, seamed like gretchen might find the gun and get idea or people might think gretchen found the gun and got some ideas
#cloneclub /i am the topic closer, the real topic closer//if you post after me a faerie gets cookies
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Now that you know Gretchen is clinically depressed, try watching the first two episodes again. You will see how not out-of-character her depression is. Even from the first episode you can see that her depression is slowly kicking in so she self-medicates with sex, drugs and alcohol.
She was falling into depression, but was keeping it under control by these self-medicating methods, that's what I'm saying. And no, he didn't "fix" her. He stayed, so that she could try to fix it.
The problem is, that isn't accurate. She "self-medicated" because she's drug addict. She has been for a while.
And, I know she isn't "fixed." I'm just saying that the whole time she whined saying that he couldn't fix her, but then when he stays, it pulls her out of it and now things aren't so bad.
The show was better when they didn't waste time explaining why everyone was so bad. Instead of trying to make us feel for the character, it was just basically "in your face" about they were this way and weren't going to apologize.
Yea it stupid now, that everyone is getting what they wanted with their character, cliches.
Jimmy meets a girl who's smoking hot and likes the things he like.
Gretchen, is abusing someone else medication or is finally recovering because of the gun.
Lindsay is getting along with her sister even-though she was going to bang her husband last season and now her bills are being paid, and she's not a hook singer and the rappers is getting back together.
Edgar is recovering from his PTSD which is a good thing but, it does not work that fast, and have a new stereotype dumb blond girlfriend cast member.
And its like no one even notice you shouldn't have a gun out in the open like that, with your house has someone with PTSD and Depression living in it.