I liked it better when she was just a proud woman that does whatever she wanted. Jimmy's is this way because he's an eccentric writer. But Gretchen is promiscuous because of her mental issues? Lame.
Now she is in her depressive state she isn't being promiscuous is she? I see them as two different things, there is her mental illness and then there is her quirky, sarcastic character. Ofcourse the two will have overlap but it's not that one is the reason for the other. The Gretchen of season 1 is who she is, who she still is.
I agree. IMO, they ruined the show by developing the characters and giving them background as to why they are "The worst."
Jimmy is this way because his family are a bunch of white-trash scumbags. Gretchen has mental issues.
So, instead of being unapologetic about them being horrible, we see they really aren't so bad after all - since we now have an understanding of why they are this way.
Knowing their other reasons just gives the audience a foundation to help better understand these characters.
Exactly! And that is why this sucked. It went the typical TV sitcom route of explaining why jerks are they way they are so we can have a better understanding of them.
But, then that means we are to have sympathy for the character. The fat b!tch is a fat b!tch because her daddy told her she'd better learn how to cook because no man would ever love her for her looks. Awwww.....it's ok. We understand why you are such a b!tch now. 
Then, in the next episode, the fat b!tch is a b!tch again even though they'd had a break-through the week before.
In the first season, there were no reasons given as to why they are as cr*ppy as they are. There was no reason. We just got to see them being horrible and when there was to be the typical TV sitcom connection made, they didn't make it and kept on being horrible.
How dare they develop their characters and make you THINK for a change!
Wow. You are stupider than I thought.
Developing these characters don't make you think. We know that Jimmy had a bad childhood/family life - boo-hoo! poor baby!
And Gretchen is like that because she suffers from depression - You FIXED me!
Establishing what drives the people to their bad behaviors is done to garner sympathy for the character.
The show was much better when Edgar would start to spill his guts and we were about to see what his problem was, and then they'd sh!t on him because they are horrible people.
But now we get to see their sob stories and awwwww, we should feel sowwy for Gwetchen because she's depressed so it is understandable why she's a loser.
The first season made people think. This season was junk because they had to try to explain why they are the worst instead of letting them be the worst.
Also, I used "fat b!tch" for two reasons. One was that, while I loved The Drew Carrey Show, how they treated Mimi's background in the show is a perfect example of what I was talking about. She and Drew hate each other, then they have a break through as to why she's so horrible. Drew gives her some solace and they have some understanding about each other. Then, in the next episode, Mimi is back to trying to screw Drew over again.
And the other reason I used "fat b!tch" was because I had planned on using "little prick" but I figured it would get you too excited.
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I'd rather not discuss my masturbation techniques as I don't like the idea of guys getting turned on by it.
I'm assuming you are a guy. I could be wrong.
Either way, if this is how you react to good writing, then I may direct your attention to other television classics such as Honey Boo Boo and Survivor. It's perfect for the mentally deficient.
It is a shame you are this incredibly stupid. Good writing is what this show had in the first season. In the second season they used the same, BS sitcom method as other sitcoms. "Give back ground as to why bad characters are bad. Play it up so we feel sorry for them. Excuse their bad behavior by blaming the back grounds they've been given."
You are just too stupid to get it. The first season was brilliant - few, if any, shows ever had this many bad people in them and they never bothered to explain why they were bad people. At least not in any depth, that is, unless consider Jimmy whining about his father sending him a soccer jersey.
Sorry, justanicknamed, but I only get turned on by gigantic, throbbing, vein-covered triumphant pen!ses, so you have nothing to worry about.
Ahh, so then you are a guy. I wasn't sure. I mean, you seemed like you were a male, but then so much of what you wrote sucked, as I'm sure your life does as well, I figured you were HIV+ from getting it every night at the men's room truck stop.
I bet you hated Breaking Bad
I never watched it, so *beep* off.
And, again, you are too stupid to understand what they did wrong this season. The show is "You're The Worst." Now, because they've given background information for us to see the characters sympathetically, it is, "Well, you aren't the worst but you are still pretty bad. But, at least we know why you are like you are."
Since you can't understand that, please stop posting. You are just making yourself look stupider and stupider.
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Jimmy's awful family took an talented, sensitive little kid and turned into that *beep*
Gretchen's family and their expectations of her overwhelmed her and turned her into that self destructive person she is.
Edgar was broken by his experience in the Army.
Even Lindsay is broken. She grew up spoiled with no limits. Thinking everything is about her. Finding out that the world doesn't work that way has broken her too.
The fact that the show can make all of this FUNNY is amazing.