I'm actually not sure with the scene... it definitely sorta looked like she was headed down on him, but the following scene didn't really show any indicator that that was the case and it also seemed possible that she didn't know what to do and since he was pretty much stuck there looking forward that she was just trying to skirt her way out of his view and "escape."
For the most part, the show's quite well... but this scene seemed a little bit of a fail to me. If the show was more PG and less PG-13 then I would assume it was trying to be risque but just careful not to be too obvious and risque and that was the reason for the "fail" - but that's not really this show... so, I just think the scene missed the mark a bit. Unless, of course, the next episode deals with the scene... which would't surprise me at all since the few times I've ever doubted the show in the past, it turned around and showed me I was wrong (but this scene really did feel more like an actual "miss" and I'm currently guessing it just was).
Thank you. That pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly. This is a show about dysfunctional people, but the dysfunction has, so far, always seem to follow a certain logic. This felt like a detour.
I'm not losing sleep over it. It just struck me as being strange. Perhaps, as you said, a future episode could shed some light on it.
The show is called "You're the Worst" for a reason. These people just can't deal with deep emotions within themselves. So they act out in a weird or perceived as, wrong, ways. Gretchen can't simply comfort Jimmy on this because of how mental she is. She tries but of course in the only way that's reasonable to her. It was a bit too absurd by that point. Feels like the writers just went for a cheap laugh.
How is this shocking? Probably every time Jimmy or Gretchen feel mad, bad, sad, their go to feel better thing (other than drugs) is sex. In other words that is the only way Gretchen knows how to comfort him in that moment. Just because she has gone to one therapy session does not mean she knows a healthy option for comforting him at this point. They are not a couple to snuggle up and share their sad feelings.
As someone else pointed out this show is called "YOU'RE THE WORST" so yes these people are absolutely as damaged as they come across. Beautifully so.
Don't feel bad. A BJ was my guess as well, but I wasn't 100% positive. I wouldn't have put it past her to consider doing that at that time, but wasn't quite sure.
Yes to the previous answers. Also, it was the easy option re: how to comfort and support your BF when he's been dealt terrible news. And...I believe she thought it might be enough of a distraction that she could avoid possibly having to see him vulnerable and crying. If he'd begun to cry afterwards she'd probably have tried to give him another one, or a large bottle of scotch.