Why all the hate?

It's really not that bad. The only thing I find distracting is how much all the actors wave their hands/arms around when they talk. And maybe the laugh track a little.

Okay, and maybe the younger kid (son) is kind of creepy.


Other than that, it really isn't that bad.


It's funny. Bit of a traditional sitcom model. That's not too popular anymore. Ken is great as a sitcom star and anchors the show well.


I grew up in the '70s/'80s with everything from "Three's Company" to the killer NBC lineup of "The Cosby Show," "Family Ties," "Cheers" and "Night Court." A lot of television today is NOT sitcom material; you could hear the death knoll on laugh-track territory with "Two and a Half Men," and even though there's no laugh track, "The Grinder" illustrates just how un-funny primetime TV is.

Everything is intense drama, action, shoot-'em-up, drugs and partying, in storylines with a "twist." We've gone through the "Sopranos" / "Breaking Bad" tunnel and there's no going back.

You're quite right in that "Dr. Ken" is a traditional sitcom model. Nothing wrong with that. The problem is that nobody understands how to WATCH such a sitcom any more!

I've met Ken and he's a great guy. What he brings to entertainment is something refreshing, and he's doing here what he does-- no-apologies comedy, but lighthearted at the same time, without the profanity and the rudeness that you'll find in your average Dane Cook-ish comic. The rest of the cast is pretty cookie-cutter, and they could have found any number of other people to fill those roles. But I do think the girl playing the daughter noticeably outshines everyone and IS talented and on the same wavelength as Ken.



You're quite right in that "Dr. Ken" is a traditional sitcom model. Nothing wrong with that. The problem is that nobody understands how to WATCH such a sitcom any more!

Yeah, that's true----it's a typical sitcom, but I don't think it's as "horrible" as some folks here seem to think it is. I actually like some of the more challenging,and I grew up watching the same old-school shows you mentioned,too. I also think because people have so many different options to watch a wide variety of material available to them that didn't even exist over a decade ago, that they can just take shows like this for granted, and don't even bother giving them a chance before they're even out of the gate. I'm not talking about just Dr. Ken, that's the case for a lot of other shows I've seen over the past few years, that barely made it past a firs season,let alone a second. I haven't been watching Dr. Ken long enough to make a complete judgement of it (unlike some people who won't even watch a show halfway or even past the first episode.)


Because people are brainwashed by stupid unfunny shows like Seinfield, 30 Rock and Parks& Recreation


No, it is that bad. The writing is horrid. All of the "jokes" are not funny and are instead painful. It has nothing to do with it being a sitcom. There are simply good sitcoms such as Seinfeld and really really really bad sitcoms like Dr. Ken.


I agree. The show is horrible. I recorded several episodes on On Demand to see what the fuss is about. It's a horrible show, IMO. Why does the dad always have to try and be/act black? I don't understand the logic of that AT ALL.


I think all the hate is deserved. Gave the show three tries I'm done.




Yes! The gesticulating. Ugh.

But I kinda like the son's creepiness.


Double post. "Delete" only comes to Edit.
