Great movie spoiled
I did enjoy it.
I laughed and I cried.
I loved Cranston, loved LCK, enjoyed the pacing, and all the supporting roles.
Then I found out that Edward G. Robinson was made to testify but NEVER ratted out by naming names.
I do NOT understand how a supposedly scholarly movie - one that seems to pride itself of historical accuracy - an important time in our history - portraying important and very well known people - and one that got many details spot on like Douglas' breaking of the blacklist by giving Trumbo the screen credit in Spartacus - HOW could such a movie make a massive mistake like this???????
When Robinson testified, you know he must have been under TREMENDOUS pressure to name the names. But he NEVER DID! It was Sterling Hayden that named the names. Not Edward G. Let's set the record straight!
And what does our beloved Little Caesar get for his bravery and integrity under fire? Is he revered? Is he lauded? Is he at least admired for displaying the kind of backbone and grit that is championed by Dalton Trumbo?
No he is not. He gets to be unfairly defamed.
You watch it and say, wow - that Edward G was some POS.
And all for NO dramatic purpose. It had no bearing on the outcome - the 10 were already in prison, hearing EGR naming the names on the radio. Was this some sort of dramatic license? It should not even be LEGAL to slander a real person in this way. EGR's estate should be fuming about it. I would be.
I mean it CAN'T be an unintended mistake. The least fact checking reveals what I wrote above. So it was an intentional deception, assassinating the character of an actual person, known to and loved by millions - and for some unfathomable purpose.
When I learned of this inaccuracy, it spoiled the movie for me.
Granted, I'm a big Edward G fan. I love all of his roles. Every one of them. One of my favorite actors of all time. How would the director or script writer like it if after they're dead, they are made out as villains and traitors?
I realize that this sort of chicanery happens in the movies all the time.
I think it's wrong.
It's one thing when a movie is an obvious fantasy, another when it is clearly and ostensibly depicting real events.
So as good a movie as it is, I have to give Trumbo only 2 stars.