MovieChat Forums > Trumbo (2015) Discussion > Trumbo's 1938 story and screen play, "He...

Trumbo's 1938 story and screen play, "Heaven With A Barbed Wire Fence."

The link far below is for "Heaven With A Barbed-Wire Fence," a 1938 story by Trumbo. It's interesting. Contains some intentional political and cultural messages, most films do. I don't understand why the boy isn't crazy about the girl, but maybe that's something Communists can explain too.

Based on the content of the film, you could not by today's standards say Trumbo was dangerous. You could however say that he was intent upon shaping audience political perceptions and attitudes with his screen plays. Whether other people in Hollywood like Frank Capra were doing this in the late 30's, I don't know. Capra was most certainly creating pro-American war propaganda after WW2 began.

Remember the context to the film. It was the later Depression years and about three years before Pearl Harbor. Communism was controversial, but not widely considered a danger to the world. A year after this film's release, John Steinbeck published "The Grapes Of Wrath," and in 1940 a film by the same name starring Henry Fonda was released. In it, people on hard times encounter and reject Communism, and later receive assistance from the federal government.


A lot of people were attracted to the Communist party due to the 1929 stock market crash which was seen as a failure of rampant capitalism and greed.

But the same people quit in droves when Stalin signed a 1939 pact with Hitler to forestall an invasion of Russia (which didn't work).

By the mid 1950's 1,500 of 5,000 remaining members were FBI informants which made them the chief source of revenue with their dues. In 1963 J Edgar Hoover said the American Communist Party would not exist without him. He said he propped them up so as to know what they were doing. They also made a useful punching bag and were no longer trusted by the Soviet Union who regarded them as worthless as a tool.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else
