How raunchy is this?

I'm seeing this during this week and I'm wondering just how raunchy it is.


You better Bring a towel.


Again, are you unfamiliar with the parents guide?

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


I wouldn't recommend it to my parents.

When a cold momma gets hot, boy how she sizzles!


Don't know how old your parents are, but I'm 50 and enjoyed it today.


My parents are in their mid-70s. They aren't total prudes, I mean, we were able to watch There's Something About Mary when it came out and they had a big laugh... Anyway, they went to see Trainwreck this summer on my older brother's suggestion and thought it was a little disgusting and were totally disappointed and uncomfortable by the end. So given the similar themes and overall raunch level between the two movies, I'm guessing they wouldn't really enjoy it. I'm 37 and thought it was relevant and hysterical; my husband (35) was a little uncomfortable with the sex scenes.

When a cold momma gets hot, boy how she sizzles!


I am by no means old and I'm certainly not a prude but I was bothered by this movie. It's not that I was uncomfortable with the subject matter; it's more like I was annoyed that the behavior of the characters was portrayed as normal. I hope I'm not shocking anyone but not everyone is going around having multiple and random partners.

At least the movie does point out how problematic and damaging those kinds of behaviors are. However, at the same time, they're treated as if they were only problematic for the two main characters.

I was also very annoyed with the Paula character. After putting Jake off so long, she proceeded to have sex with him on their very first date. I guess she could be bought. Then she has the nerve to be surprised or bothered that he called out someone else's name. Well, duh, what did she expect? She knew he was a womanizer so it's a wonder he's able to distinguish between all his women. That's why womanizers typically play it smart and call all their women by some generic name, like honey, baby, sweetheart, to avoid those awkward situations. Jake may have known her well at work but not in that context.

Do people really get upset when that the person they're casually hooking up with can't remember their name? Anyone who rushes into a sexual relationship before getting to know their partner and developing a relationship with them should take it for granted they might be confused for someone else; especially in the heat of passion.

Again, she got upset when Jack attacked Matthew and referred to someone else as 'his girl'. At that point, Paula should have known about his non-relationship with Lainey since her name had come up before. The fact Paula continued to see him would indicate she accepted his explanation for calling out her name the first time they were together. Referring to her as 'his girl' wouldn't have meant anything except that they were close friends and he was upset with Matthew for, in his perception, having treated her so badly.

By this time he and Paula had presumably been together for a few months. He had gotten to know her son and was planning a trip with her so the relationship must have been progressing. She doesn't get upset that he goes around punching random guys; nope, it's the fact he referred to someone she knew as a female friend as 'his girl'. She was quick to call off their relationship; no explanation, no discussion. It sounds like Paula had her priorities all mixed up and Jake was attracted to women with relationship issues that were as troubling as his own.

I'm not condoning what Jake did but he could have been acting as a friend defending Lainey but, as I pointed out in another post, she was as responsible for the relationship with Matthew as he was; if not more since she kept going back to him time and time again.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
