nannomous says > Year after year and generation after generation love and sex is the subject that is given the most amount of attention.So much advice available,counseling,tutorials,101s,articles,books,movies,songs, and yet it never works, it's a fleeting feeling necessary only to motivate humans to procreate.
The reason we humans focus so much on love, sex, and relationships is because those things play important roles in our lives. As you said, it's all tied to procreation/ though, these days, you'd never know it. That biological urge to keep the species going seems to be forgotten in favor of people just doing whatever they want to do. Love, sex, and relationships now seem to be all about feeling good and avoiding procreation. We seem to embrace birth control, abortions, same sex unions, etc.; all things that move us further away from what sex and love was intended.
There is nothing mystical about it, its just a bunch of chemicals in your brain, but people still stress over it, get depressed because of it and still chase it.
I guess you could say the exact same thing about a lot of things. If you get right down to it, humans and air are a bunch of chemicals. You could say happiness is elusive yet we stress over it and chase it. Still, we know we exist, air is all around even though we can't see it, and happiness is attainable. Love also exists and if we're lucky we start to learn what it is early in our existence. Some of us are lucky enough to feel it in the womb and are welcomed into the loving embrace of our parents. From there we continue to grow in love and are comforted by it. We learn to love ourselves and others and even those who no longer exist or have not yet existed.
Sadly, I think your comments show how over the years, especially lately, love has been done a grave injustice. We throw the word around and associated it with things that have nothing to do with love. Sex, which has a specific purpose and can also be a manifestation or representation of love, is now treated as less than a handshake. At least with a handshake people are exchanging names. These days learning the name of a sex partner is often optional. As this movie shows, some of us 'share' one of the most intimate things in our lives with just about anyone with a pulse and for the hell of it.
We confuse love with lust and engage in sex for reason that matter solely to ourselves; to feel good. It's become practically meaningless. Love is about learning to care for ourselves and for others in a positive, productive way but today what we often call 'love' leads to nothing dead end. No wonder so many people are miserable.
A relarionship that lasts for more than 3 years it simply does so out of convinience,familiarity and fear of moving on.
If this is your reality, I'm sorry for you. Real love can and does last for a lifetime and beyond. If we truly loved someone, the love endures even if/when the relationship ends or the people move apart. Lust is what is fleeting.
Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]