MovieChat Forums > The Hunted (2014) Discussion > FOUND FOOTAGE HORROR MOVIE


I am writing and hoping to direct a low budget horror movie in the found footage format, I have ideas but still need some help from you lovely people. Any ideas.or anything that you think would help make a good found footage movie let me know. Tweet me @Nlouse or private message me on here, I don't want to discuss my ideas or plot publicly so just pm me. Thanks


Not making a "found footage" film would be a good start. Worst, and cheapest genre in the history of cinema. It's the route taken by film makers with the smallest amount of talent, as it requires the least.

Good luck though.

...and don't point your fooking tentacles at me! ~District 9


Appreciate your opinion. I only want to do found footage as I am not a rich man. Its a cheap option. The genre can be good if done right. Thanks for killing the dream for me a little bit though.


Sorry, pal, but I tend to agree with scuffpuppy in that 'found footage' is the shabbiest approach to moviemaking out there, and 99.99% of the time the end result reflects that. However, look at the two examples below. Each made for $7000, I'll let them apeak for themselves:

Obviously, it takes a huge amount of talent and the dedication of many like minded individuals to make magic, but that's why I can remember those titles years after seeing them, but I've forgotten many hundreds with budgets which were exponentially higher.

Just my two cents, but good luck and I hope the finished product is neither found footage nor rubbish.

Oh, and one other thing: low budget does not mean getting some tweaked out meth headed Parkinson's patient to hold the camera!

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


There are plenty of Meetups & Twitter groups for this kind of solicitation. However, this is a message board for the movie The Hunted. Please find a more appropriate venue to advertise your ignorance. Sorry to be a dick, but you're like a lost Klansman at a COGIC convention: Not only are you inappropriate, but you have no idea how ridiculous you look.
