Unbelievable cowards.
Two grown men, cowering in a tree, when it was clearly the sound of a woman screaming.
Regardless of what it turns out to be, at first the cameraman was convinced it was a woman in distress yet the cowardly hunter refused to believe it was anything but a bobcat (a conclusion brought about by fear rather than an educated guess). By the time third or fourth instance of hearing a woman scream, these two grown men (again, one of which claimed to be a butch hunter) crouched silently 20 feet off the ground and not once did either of them have the balls or general decency to go see if anyone needed help. They just hid like twelve year old kids (no offence to twelve year olds).
Absolute cowards. If the director thought this was normal behavior from two men, I feel sorry for anyone if they're ever in need of rescuing an he comes along. I've seen braver ninety year old women than the guys in this film.
PS: I'm not saying I wouldn't be spooked. In the middle of the woods, pitch black, hearing a scream. Of course I would. Hell, I might even be scared. But I'll be damned if I'd hide and do nothing to help. You just suck it up and get on with it.
...and don't point your fooking tentacles at me! ~District 9