Artemis and Callisto - Let's Re-Invent a Myth
Before watching Preservation, I knew who Artemis was, but I didn't know her mythology.
And, after watching, I still didn't because the version Denham delivers is completely wrong and calculated to make Artemis look like a young girl turned hero rather than a petulant, impetuous, vengeful goddess, as she actually was in the Callisto story:
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Mind you, she's no worse than any of the other gods - that crazy bunch! - but Denham chose not just to distort the story but to invent an entirely new one out of whole cloth. I get the analogy in his version to what happened to Wit, but, really, this is cheating and craphole writing at its worst. Need a Greek myth to drop an anvil on your audience? Don't bother making one up; just take an existing one and change it completely, in every detail, to suit your purpose. Who pays attention to those dusty old classics anymore anyway?
It seems as though Denham were serving some sort of agenda rather than trying to make the best horror film he could.