MovieChat Forums > They're Watching (2016) Discussion > Found footage? Screw it I'm out

Found footage? Screw it I'm out

You lost me at found footage. So incredibly sick of this genre


That's cool, you're loss since there have been at least a dozen seriously well executed and highly entertaining found footage flicks in the last decade. This one wasn't the best, too much pointless filler only to be saved by a third act of pretty insane sh!t. 5.5/10


I know therre have been films tht were well made in the past using this format, but The novelty has worn off. Especially when so much dialogue is spent explaining why they're holding a camera at all times.


You've not missed anything with this one buddy, it's dire. 10 minutes worth of entertainment at the end, the rest of it is tripe!

"Hasta la vista, baby."


I hate found footage with a passion but this was ok. There wasn't too much shaky footage and none of the usual drop camera/low battery etc gimmicks. It was a rare occasion where it didn't detract much from the production. Worth a watch 🇲🇩


i'm with you. i personally hate found footage and i agree with you.


I love found footage movies. Your loss.


I think the same but I stuck with this one. As found footage goes, this was pretty good. Not only did they invent a plausible reason for all the found footage, there's many times where it actually effects how the story plays out. There's only a handful of scenes where it's ridiculous they would be filming. The camera work is actually quite lovely for the most part.


Exactly--this film is actually funny and scary, and pretty entertaining (as well as a little creepy.) I like the fact that there's a nice build-up and that it wasn't a complete gorefest for most of them film---until the end, it basically scares the viewers old-school style, which I appreciated. It also has characters who, except for the producer, were really likable---another thing I liked about it.


Thanks for the warning.
