What's with the dreary colors?
The 80s had loads of color. Not being visually interesting, ruined it quite a bit.
shareThe 80s had loads of color. Not being visually interesting, ruined it quite a bit.
shareSpy agencies and the people who worked for them probably didn't go out of their way to get noticed by sporting lots of bright colors. Especially in the U.S.S.R.
Enjoy every sandwich. - Warren Zevon
This production has the 1980s flat-color scheme down pat. Look at some movies from that era. Same color scheme.
Super-saturated production visuals didn't come back in vogue until the 1990s.
And by making the show look drab as hell, hardly anyone wanted to watch it. Besides, reality didn't look like it was depicted in early 1980s movies. My other issue with the series was the, frankly, clichéd family depictions. Jingoistic nonsense. If they'd shown the era with some vitality and made the family life more interesting (like Confessions of a Spy), people would have watched. If I'd been Ames stuck in that universe, I would have gone to the other side, too, just to spice up the mind-numbing monotony of pointless "gentlemanly" cat & mouse games bathed in earth tones.
And they should have got someone a little weirder looking than Jodie Whittaker. The real gal had a strange skeleton face. For that matter, a lot of the mole hunter team was not very Hollywood-looking. I realize they went for an ordinary look for Ames, but they should have carried it through. Some interesting, bizarre Lynch casting could have gone a long way... right down to the irony of that little troll who didn't like Ames because of his hair or glasses. The surrealism of a bunch of desk jockeys pretending they're heroes is right up Lynch's ally.
Damn, man. That would have been awesome: David Lynch casting and directing The Assets would have been as surreally weird as the actual events.
The fact that the cast didn't look very Hollywood was refreshing----not every cast on every show has to look like a bunch of supermodels with perfect skin and teeth.