MovieChat Forums > The Assets (2014) Discussion > Anachronisms in the show?

Anachronisms in the show?

Wondering if anyone has seen any anachronisms in the show. One I noticed, in the beginning of episode 4 around 1m20s, someone is going through their mail, and one of the letters is a from Southwest. It is tough to see in the screenshot, but it has the Southwest blue livery instead of orange (blue introduced in 2001), the text reads '' (obviously from the 90s at the earliest), and the program name is Rapid Rewards (introduced in 1996).

It is nitpicking, but I know these things occasionally appear.


Wow...good catch!


In either ep 3 or 4 someone used the term 24/7 which I doubt was in use in 70s or 80s.


And the new style Royal Farms gas station where he was arrested, with the digital price displays!

Also, when he and his wife were being taken out of the FBI building, I thought the building style was not American, there was a Cyrillic word on a box behind them, and since when does the FBI transport people in Mercedes vans? Also the street signs looked European. I was watching with hubby so couldn't get too carried away pausing and analyzing!
