Scandal is what a viewer of Entertainment Tonight might make if given a chance to make a TV show. Okay, I overstate how amateurish it is on Civics. But someone who watches Scandal is not going to be interested in a show like The Assets.
Spot on. I do think there may be more [smart viewer] exceptions for Scandal simply b/c a lot of West Wing fans watch in the way a heroine addict visits a methadone clinic. Sure it's an altogether different high, but the furniture and dialogue match just well enough to allow some hazy self delusion. (A thoughtful exploration of the primary process @TWW, vs. a POTUS who strangles a SCOTUS justice - crazy.)
While I would not have guessed Assets to receive the lowest ratings ever seen by a network drama, I could've predicted from the pilot that Scandal's timeslot would be a no-starter. Sunday at 8, maybe Monday at 10, Even the Friday death slots would have been a better match.
It's also worth noting that I barely heard a peep about this debut. Meanwhile I must have seen the spot for The Flash's pilot no less than 100 times during Spring/Summer. The Assets should have been massively promoted as the thinking man's 24, but instead it was relegated to die quietly in obscurity. No one flushes quality and resources like network pinheads.