Best thing in years

IMHO, this was the best thing on tv in years. Production value was head and shoulders above others. Acting was first rate, suspenseful and thrilling. I remember this story when it hit the news as I worked in DC at the time. I HAVE to see the rest of it! Anyone know how? Sadly ABC is the worst network for quality TV. This raised their standards by a mile. sad...


It seems that the audience wants reality tv and the network being cowardly gives it to them.
There is no doubt that the quality of ABC decision-making has dropped through the floor when it cancels shows of this calibre.


Too sophisticated for American audiences it scored 0.7 out of 10 what a joke! If it had a few explosions, t1ts and a lot less talking then 10/10!
Reality tv is crap i climbed on my roof and ripped the aerial off 2 years ago so no tv in my home because of crap like that! I do watch selected stuff like this downloaded online though.


While I agree with your assertion that the American audience are dumbed down and the networks pander to the dumbest ones who tend to spend their money more than anyone based on ADVERTISEMENT....You have the numbers wrong. Their is no scale of 0-10 on ratings. The numbers represent the number of people in millions who are watching.

The bigger idiocy is of ABC Network that put a complex, well made and thoughtful docudrama in the same spot that a show like Scandal occupied. Scandal is what a viewer of Entertainment Tonight might make if given a chance to make a TV show. Okay, I overstate how amateurish it is on Civics. But someone who watches Scandal is not going to be interested in a show like The Assets. There is an all night Nail Salon open, somewhere nearby.

You're a Truncheon, Cutler!
Howdy Doody Circus Army; President


dudestein, I beg to differ...I watch Scandal and was VERY interested in The Assets and thoroughly disappointed that ABC can't find the strength to air eight friggin' episodes of one of the BEST shows to come slong in eons.


Sure, you are more of an exception. I would say as a rule that nothing is completely, 100% true or false. What I will say is more watchers of Scandal will tune to something more like Scandal.

You're a Truncheon, Cutler!
Howdy Doody Circus Army; President


Scandal is what a viewer of Entertainment Tonight might make if given a chance to make a TV show. Okay, I overstate how amateurish it is on Civics. But someone who watches Scandal is not going to be interested in a show like The Assets.

Spot on. I do think there may be more [smart viewer] exceptions for Scandal simply b/c a lot of West Wing fans watch in the way a heroine addict visits a methadone clinic. Sure it's an altogether different high, but the furniture and dialogue match just well enough to allow some hazy self delusion. (A thoughtful exploration of the primary process @TWW, vs. a POTUS who strangles a SCOTUS justice - crazy.)

While I would not have guessed Assets to receive the lowest ratings ever seen by a network drama, I could've predicted from the pilot that Scandal's timeslot would be a no-starter. Sunday at 8, maybe Monday at 10, Even the Friday death slots would have been a better match.

It's also worth noting that I barely heard a peep about this debut. Meanwhile I must have seen the spot for The Flash's pilot no less than 100 times during Spring/Summer. The Assets should have been massively promoted as the thinking man's 24, but instead it was relegated to die quietly in obscurity. No one flushes quality and resources like network pinheads.


I'm sure many thought ABC does nothing but reality TV so all those types likely never even looked and had no clue.

The Jan 2nd start was rough too. Some people were likely traveling or still zoned out that day or just plane not expecting a new show to pop up then or thinking about football, etc.

Had it started after the Ukraine business I bet that would've helped too. It probably would've gotten a lot more press for the same limited advertising.

It is a shame how we are in this spiral where things get dumbed down ever more here.
Heck, DVRs don't even let you program in a specific recording time now even if you want to or need to, they are afraid to even let anyone dare do anything but click on a program to record. Review sites for the average American used to go into things like SNR for luminance and chrominance and so on and so forth and nodays it's like one dumbed down number that is supposed to sum up everything somehow.

Look at The Learning Channel, Travel Channel, even Nat Geo, etc. they are all sad shadows of what they once were.

One thing that surely didn't help is that the ratings for reality tv and junk were easier to measure than other stuff, especially with how people started using computers and DVRs and such to watch. So all that registered easily was NFL and reality nonsense.


You have got to be kidding - right? Get it on NetFlix.


i loved it...i thought it was like a movie in TV format.... The story was fascinating and all the no-name actors were actual phenomenal.


what's really messed up is how Assetts will now be remembered as a giant failure, with little consideration of the lack of promotion or mismanaged scheduling. what the network suits will remember is that viewers don't want thoughtful programming or historical accounts. They want B-grade celebs bouncing across a brightly-colored obstacle course while dishing one another. It's beyond sad.

Now this wasn't absolutely fantastic IMO- but the saddest part is how it will serve to scare more programmers away from intelligent material. And of course they were already sprinting in the other direction to begin with.
