Aldrich Ames


Have any of you seen his interviews? He is a FILTHY piece of trash--the lowest of the lowest,a dog who should be *beep* in prison everyday until his intestines spew out. And the lives in Russia he ruined all for his wife's "love."


Yes, the most damaging traitor the U.S. probably ever had, next to Hanssen.

It was not that long a wiki the only way we know about him? He's was a critical moment in the history of traitors to the U.S.

Hope not!


Yes, the most damaging traitor the U.S. probably ever had, next to Hanssen.

Well, I'm not gonna rank-order scumbags, but if we're putting together a group list of the worst, add John Walker.


Well, right along Snowden and Bradley Manning, too!


Traitor: One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.

Patriot: a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests.

Since the people in this chain so far obviously have trouble distinguishing between the two...



And as time has passed it appears Hanssen takes the prize for the most US sources being arrested and killed over the years. Well until the latest info-sharers arrived anyway.

I was at a newspaper and Hanssen happened on my news desk's watch. The damage he did was incalculable, as it happened over such a long period. We did a lot of stories about the damage he did, in the lead up to his guilty plea.

But you're right---how do you rate creeps like these.

Nobody's ever going to agree on Snowden and Manning. It's the old "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" thing.

But if a friend or family member of mine died due to their revelations, I'd not be very "grateful" to their "heroic" acts....

Will any foreign intel sources ever trust U.S. staffers trying to cultivate them as assets? Of course not. They know they'll always be one click away from death or prison now from some arse like S or M.

Nice job, idiots.


For those who don't know who we're talking about, Robert Hanssen worked for FBI counter intelligence and also spied for the Soviet Union and then for Russia from 1979 to 2001. So he started before Ames and continued after Ames was caught. A surprising connection is that General Polyakov (codename: Tophat) was exposed by Hanssen before Ames exposed him. Possibly the Soviets couldn't believe it until Ames confirmed it. Then they couldn't discount it any more. Or maybe they were just biding their time. Hanssen is portrayed by Chris Cooper in the movie "Breach" (2007).


Ames didn't do it for anything more than a some extra jewels and clothes though. The two you bring up at least thought in their minds that they were doing it for some decent purpose in part.

Kind of sad to say but Gordon Libby and likely Rove and Cheney, you might almost say were such traitors too, outing Plame for political payback. Pretty unreal and unheard of and nobody really got in trouble at all but for one and even then....

It lead to the deaths of at least one contact and his family with children too in addition to a lost cover for an active asset and a further dampening of any talk counter to the intelligence the gang wanted to here and wanted propagated.


Gordon Libby?, you mean either G Gordon Liddy or Scooter Libby?


Since public schooling has been under assault by extremist's, history and civics and sociology are not properly taught in schools today.

You're a Truncheon, Cutler!
Howdy Doody Circus Army; President
