MovieChat Forums > The Assets (2014) Discussion > Can nobody pronounce the capitol of the ...

Can nobody pronounce the capitol of the Russian Federation?

Or, at the time, the capitol of the USSR? They spent millions on this terrible thing and nobody can pronounce Moscow -- it's not cow. It's co. As in Moskau. I suppose it helps having done business there, but please... drives me effin nuts. The American accents on the Brits often suck. So much of it is hammy. It's a real waste of Jodie Whittaker who was great in Broadchurch, and Julian Ovendeen, great currently in Downton Abbey.


Thank you!! This is a pet peeve of mine. I'm a retired Navy journalist and I went through broadcast school in the '80s and the instructors were constantly telling us "there are no cows in Moscow." We had to pronounce it correctly while working for AFRTS - Mos-COE.

Now everytime I hear some broadcaster on local TV or someone in the movies say "Mos-COW" I can't take them seriously.

Another thing I noticed is the reporters on NPR always seem to get it right. They take their news reporting seriously.


It's pronounced mahs-KWAH locally, so neither Mos-COE nor Mos-COW can lay claim to any correctness. will provide links to locals speaking it correctly.


As panickedzebra mentioned, it isn't pronounced Mos-co, either.

It's Mosk-va, like here:

But let's get real; unless you speak the native tongue, you don't pronounce all the cities in another country the same way the locals do.

So you saying that the "right" pronunciation is Mos-co has no bearing, when the Russians themselves don't say it that way. Oh wait, should I refer to them as Russian Federationists or something? And most Americans say it as Mos-cow, so that's what is "correct" in America.

Do you pronounce every country and city in Latin America with a local Spanish accent? Colombia is pronounced Columbia, are you going to lament about that? What about how Americans say Bruh-zille instead of Bra-seel? Making a post on that?

Do Americans whine that Brits don't say "Washington" the same way Americans say it? No, because it doesn't freakin' matter. You say it in the accent of your native tongue. Nobody whines and says, "Can nobody pronounce the capitol of the United States of America?"


I'm surprised none of you morons can spell the work "capital" properly. 'Murica.


Ironic. :-)

They can't use their own language properly but criticize other 'Muricans about the pronunciation of a Russian word.


For the longest time We Americans spelled the Capital of China PEKING and pronounced it 'PEE-KING', while the Chinese pronounced it 'BAY-JING'.....

Finally the official spelling actually changed to Beijing.

We say Rome, Italians say Roma

We say Paris, French say Par-E

You're a Truncheon, Cutler!
Howdy Doody Circus Army; President


Well, I thought the OP was trying to point out that if the show was trying to be historically accurate, the actors should have been pronouncing the city as Mos-coe. "There is no cow in Moscow"


Well, I thought the OP was trying to point out that if the show was trying to be historically accurate, the actors should have been pronouncing the city as Mos-coe. "There is no cow in Moscow

How is that historically Accurate? My point was about historically accurate mispronunciation! If we watched a movie set in the 1970's and they talked about China and Beijing, the would have spelled it PEKING and pronounced it "PEE-KING", which is not the correct pronunciation but is a historically correct mispronunciation. We still do not pronounce names of cities that are accurate to the correct pronunciation.


I'm sorry. I didn't anchor my point correctly.

I meant historically accurate to the 70's to use the way most of the English-speaking world were being taught to pronounce Moscow then.


I'm not.

Sit back, relax and watch them argue, it's fun... :)


What's most amusing is that not only is the OP off base, as demonstrated by other commentators below, on the pronunciation of Moscow, but he has no problem with the intolerably poor pronunciation of the Russian surnames. Suck a stickler for "correct" pronuciation, but yet he has no problem with the proverbial fingernails being scratched on the chalk board everytime the Sandy Grimes character mispronounced "Yurchenko" or "Polyakov."


this is a 1000x sad

OP had a point, editor had a great point, you have a point. But this one-upping of one another by trying to undercut someone else's intelligence is udderly pointless. That's right, I said udderly.


There is no such country as Japan, its Nippon but no one in in any movie or on TV even the news calls it by the right name.

And why does everyone insist on calling Deutschland, Germany?


I'm sure much the same reasons we call ourselves Americans when anyone living in the Western Hemisphere is an American, technically. The country directly below us doesn't call our country America, it isn't in the name they use at all.

Germany was make up by tribes with different names until it became a country, somewhat recently. Depending on your language and the area you were referring to, different names for the area was used. Several different names for Germany continue to be used throughout the world to this day.

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