Not that good but keep an eye out for Alexia Fast
The movie itself was pretty bad, I appreciated the first person concept because it hasn't been done to death (although this was by no means the first to do it) and the story was decent but it just fell apart in just about every aspect. I can't recommend this to anyone and gave it a "4" rating but I will say be on the lookout for Alexia Fast. She's been in a ton of things already but isn't a household name. If she doesn't become one in the next 5 years it will be because of her agent or manager that won't steer her clear of movies like this.
I also recently saw her in "Last Kind Words" and while that movie wasn't much better than this one, she really stood out.
Her best role to date (imo) was "The Captive" with Ryan Reynolds & Rosario Dawson which was released this year. Hopefully she'll be in more movies like that than ones like this.