MovieChat Forums > Grace (2014) Discussion > Why always the anti-Christian angle?

Why always the anti-Christian angle?

Hollywood and its foreign kin (meaning, Canadian film) constantly need to push the anti-religion, anti-Christian angle. The overwhelming, vast number of people who are Christians and have strong beliefs and go to church are surprisingly normal people you know? This movie recycles the fanatic, psychotic, neurotic, emotionally disturbed, mentally unbalanced mother from CARRIE and recreates it as a bitter, dour grandmother in GRACE.

Are we going to see some crazy religious fanatical Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus in horror movies? No...because Hollywood is part of the anti-Christian movement in the world, gaining greater strength.


You have a real persecution complex.

Get off the cross, we need the wood.


LOL @ we need the wood

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


in this case it wasn't anti-christian, it just used the general idea as a shallow plot device. I don't mind any theme (whether in line with my political beliefs or not) if it's well executed and well told. This is just a terrible movie from top to bottom. Terrible writing, hiliariously bad acting, horrible direction, and a gimmicky style that simple does not work. This is the type of movie that shows nothing but incompetence and makes me want to run away from anything that the actors, director, writers and so on do in the future.


There are always two options when you feel persecuted or attacked:

1. blame the world for being so mean

2. look at why the world might be reacting badly to you.

In the case of so-called christian persecution (real and imagined... mostly imagined because it's a pretty common mythology among christians that their highly unpopular views are only disdained because the devil is out to get them), the rise of the westborough-baptist-light philosophy which has tainted the population has made it an easy and worthwhile target.

This film isn't anti-christian, it's anti- crazy pedagogical extremism. Not all christians are that crazy, and only the ones who are will think their religion is being attacked or ridiculed by such a film.

And seriously, if you're that devout, why on earth are you poisoning your soul by watching movies like this? Shouldn't you be picketing an abortion clinic or spray-painting obscenities on the doors of homosexuals? Or whatever it is that you think jesus wants these days?

Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.


Well said, kay_rock!


Did anyone else get a sense that the people in the church were vicious, spiteful, pathologically arrogant, full of hate? I could feel the overwhelming flow of animosity towards any and all there. It was like high school, but 100 times worse.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


Weird thing is, real churches feel exactly like this. My family used to go to services when I was a child, and while most times everybody is welcoming, even in my young age I would notice, the clique-y nature of it all. It was very much High school extended.


OP why exactly would you be interested in watching a movie like this anyway?

There's immorality in 97% of the movies these days and most movies are not
made for Christians.
