MovieChat Forums > The Conjuring 2 (2016) Discussion > Valek is a dumb demon or the screenwrite...

Valek is a dumb demon or the screenwriters are

Why would the demon give them his name? That makes no sense.


Why would saying it back to him make him go away? That makes no sense either.


It's an exorcistic given that knowing a demon's name gives the exorcist power over the demon. Letting a demon know that you know its name, then throwing the name at the demon will at least partially depotentiate him...supposedly.


Yes, but why give them his name? If you were a demon, would you give them your name so they could have control over you?


No, you don't have power over the demon just by knowing it's name. That's superstitious hogwash.

The reason you ask a spirit's name is simple: you want to know what you're dealing with. Sometimes, it's more than one spirit/demon causing the grief, and they're afflicting the person (or house, or object) for different reasons. Maybe a demon is haunting a person due to a cursed object, or maybe the person committed a heinous crime that the demon has latched onto.

It's like going to the doctor, and the doctor asking you a series of questions to determine what's causing the issue. Knowing who the demon is and why it's harrassing a person or object can get them out quicker.


I say lazy screenwriting


what's even more surprising is that it gave it in english. what if the demon had chosen chinese or arabic or indian characters? they've would've been screwed!


I think technically it should have been in Latin.


i think you missed the whole point. latin uses the same alphabet as english...


You guys are dense. The demon didn't state its name. That premonition about Valak was a "message from god." God showed them the demon and told Vera Farmiga its name.


her strong faith forced the demon to giver her his name.
