
Do you agree?






I'll chime in, but I do beileve you have to see multiple episodes before making a true judgement.

I didn't like the first episode because the writing seemed very cheesey. Not bad but nothing new going on.

I'm gonna spoil some stuff here...

-First scene, Brett wants to get laid, wife is tired, husband gets caught jerking. Cool but I've seen that before.
-Alex gets up and saves the girl by doing a shirtless dance. I've seen that before and theat scene came off cheesey.
-The scene with Tina breaking down was awful writing. Seems like it was lifted from a terrible Rom Com (not literally).
The bad writing just turned into bad acting on this one.

I'll tune in for a couple more episodes though.

**Edited a couple character names


Agreed. Cheesey is just what I thought. Mark Duplass should stick to acting.


After watching the first two episodes, I will say I enjoyed it better having watched the second episode (though I still enjoyed even after episode one). Personally, this'll probably be one of those shows that could just get better with time and just needs to get its mojo going. I find that people judge TOO much after just the FIRST episode of a new series, not necessarily realizing (maybe), that it just needs to find its legs before truly judging.

There really is no real, original, idea out there, it's more the approach; with this one, I'm hoping it'll be the approach that makes it different and not have it be another formulaic idea. I like the cast, it seems everyone plays off the other well, so we'll see.



Hear, hear!


I agree, you could have just quoted the first sentence in my message above.

I watched the 2nd epsiode, its moving along. Not good and not bad but I'll give it another week.
