I Actually Cried!

I shed tears for this finale! It really got to me when Michelle won the vote. It was the music, Michelle picking up Sophie, the hugging, and the love just poured out of the scene. I love this show so much. I don't know why HBO enjoys getting rid of great shows.

I looked forward to more Seasons but now I don't have anything to look forward to but GAME OF THRONES. I absolutely adore shows like this. The first Season was great and this one was as well. So long TOGETHERNESS!


I just found out a couple days ago this was the series finale. I would like to know if the show was cancelled, or if the Duplass brothers only conceived of a short show.

It seems a strange way to end the series and I would have assumed there would have been more.


It was cancelled.


Yup - I cried too.

I feel you about the sadness about it being cancelled. I can't remember enjoying a show this much, possibly ever.


You inadvertently referenced the exact reason why this was cancelled. HBO is getting nervous about how all their dramas seem to be floundering. Game of Thrones is the only really powerhouse show they have now, but they used to have a bunch. So instead of sticking things out with a low performers like Togetherness, they're giving them the boot and bringing in new shows in the hope they'll get another hit.

Things are changing over at Home Box Office, and not for the better.


The ratings were very low in the first season. It was generous enough to get a second one.

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