The original day is my favorite
The best you could do is up the ante with and updated take on the original characters. I would go as far as using the same script or most similar like the night remake. Make Rhodes even more sadistic, give Frankenstein more ability to get those zombies trained, and then let's get a day sequel where the survivors make it to a zombie less island only to have thier kids expierence the doom when either a half working zombie washes on shore or one of the kids who happens to be fishing in the supposed zombie less waters gets a vorhies like expierence, hides any injuries from his family only to eventually infect the whole new tribe which should even be made up other escaped survivors seeking refuge. I call this one Life of the Dead. Perhaps bub was even brought along and a way to have kept him from infecting anyone with a series of medicines ... I don't know. Old love to see this movie. Give us a newer dr frankenstienesque character who goes nuts and so on