Cliché ending

Seriously he goes to jail? All that “ crime doesn’t pay“ garbage. They do this with every movie or series where the main character is doing things outside the law and in the end they die or go to jail. We spent the entire series rooting for him. The audience wants him to get away with it. Try something different!


That would have been a bullshit Hollywood ending. Only assholes root for a morally bankrupt asshole to get away with murder. That's why Trump has supporters.


And that's why assholes like you let him live in your pathetic acorn brain rent free.




Even though I did not love the finale, it was much more than just going to jail.

Even though he had a fine argument for his 7 year deal... he opted to spend the rest of his life instead just to satisfy Kim or somewhat regain her respect-love (whatever you want to call it)... which I found to be way too much of a fantasy-ridiculous.


His jail time will be like the guys in Goodfellas.


Yup, I absolutely hate when shows try to speak down to the audience with bullshit morals like if you do bad things you go to jail. In real life, the worst people do a lot worse than Saul and get off free. I fucking the moralistic high ground bullshit this show took.


+1 to your comment... agree 100%


This was not a cliche ending.

Usually, the criminal protagonist does not die or go to jail.


I agree.


What series about outlaws ends in them going to jail? Seinfeld is all I can come up with, and that's not really comparable.
