High frame rate?

I watched season 1 back when it was first on AMC, but never watched beyond that. Until now. I finally have a good high speed connection (50mbps) and I'm streaming s2. Four or five episodes in, and the last couple episodes had a very peculiar look at times. I couldn't put my finger on it, but wondered if maybe it's a high framerate. Maybe not 48 fps, but higher than 24. I googled, but couldn't find anything about it.


It kind of has the "soap opera" look.


Exactly. Someone at another forum thinks it's my 4K TV auto settings doing something. Possible, but I've had it for four months and have watched a ton of shit and this is the only time I've noticed anything like this.


I rewatched the entire series recently and didn't notice any framerate differences, watched off of Netflix HD for the earlier seasons, gigabit connection.


I checked my TV settings while watching the show last night, apparently it decided for me that BCS would be better with "Motionflow" turned on. I turned that off and it looked normal again.
