Kim is retarded

Like she couldn't tell Jimmy was a scamming piece of shit after all the scams she has done with that loser,so now she has a change of heart lmaooooo cone on tranny Wexler do better then that this is why she commits suicide episode 5 season 5 called tranny down


Trolling aside, you do hit on one of the themes of this show. That we are often blind to what is closest to us and right in front of us.
Jimmy only saw Chuck’s love (and Chuck did love him) but was blind to Chuck’s disdain and bitterness.
Kim only sees Jimmy’s energy, his joy of life, his charm, his humor, his genius at working people and coming up with angles.
But she just could not see him for what he really is. She saw the pain and the struggles and the hard work. But she had always believed she would have access to the “real” man underneath the con. When Jimmy managed to fool the committee AND HER AS WELL, she realized that she is just like everyone else. She can’t tell at any given moment if he is being real or working an angle.



Well said. And how disappointing that must have been for her, realizing that Jimmy was just putting on a show. The guy never really dealt with his brother's death...and maybe there isn't really anything to deal with. Its like he just shut off that part of him and locked it away. Its kind of creepy, really.


Very true. I see it the same way.



Jimmy's brother was an asshole. Sorry.

I know b/c I've had a sibing I adored tell me I was worthless to her.... to this day we don't talk because of it.

Jimmy never stole from their father's till. That's what dick face thought and used to hate Jimmy...


Burn in hell.... fkn weird ass retard!

Yeah, I said it!!!


Wait...didn't Jimmy steal from the till?
I thought he did...
Yeah I'm with least to an extent. His brother was jealous of Jimmy and he took advantage of his position in their relationship to belittle him. The guy was a sleazeball and it was too bad Jimmy looked up to him the way that he did....gave him all that power. BUT, he WAS Jimmy's brother and his death DID affect Jimmy. And that's not something that Jimmy dealt with...he never really grieved, you know?

Anyway, didn't Jimmy steal from the till? Did I get that wrong? He never actually did that?


The coins Jimmy took... it was revealed later that they were "collector" coins... worth more than face value... and it was "a few".... not a criminal enterprise like dick face thought...

Jimmy even talked about giving them back to the father in order to lprove they were worth more.... as sort of an internal thing... he was not "stealing".


Hah wow, I didn't catch that. I mean, I thought it was just some piddly theft, but still...sounds like it was barely even that.
So Chuck never had much faith in Jimmy from the get-go...and not for any real reason? Just jealousy, maybe?

That's messed up!


Hence why I feel the way I do about his character.... love the actor tho... but Chuck... testament to dude's acting!


ALSO, in Chuck's final letter to Jimmy, he mentions how he'd never seen their mother so happy... if that sentiment were genuine, there'd be no jealousy. There'd be no issues.
But clearly that is not the case.


Early on it was mentioned that when his store went belly up they were like 6 thousand dollars in debt, which Chuck always accused Jimmy from stealing from the till.

But in the flashback scene we see the real reason was because his dad was such a tool he allowed strangers to take advantage of him by scamming him of money. It wasn't because Jimmy was stealing from the till, his dad was literally giving away money.


Hey that's RIGHT. That one guy came in and scammed his Dad...Jimmy saw that. Just...are we sure that he didn't use that as justification to steal from his dad too?
Like, everyone else was taking advantage of his dad, he kind of looked down on his dad for being a sucker and started taking money?

I don't know...not sure why I had it stuck in my head that Jimmy had stolen.


We never actually saw him stealing from the till so I don't see why there's any reason to believe he did.

I thought the show was very deliberate after Chuck tried to rat out Jimmy to Kim for stealing $6000+ from their dad's till; in the intro of the very next episode we get the flashback scene where Jimmy is not actually stealing from the till, but fuming over his dad getting scammed.

The writers seemed to be deliberately trying to spell out that Chuck had Jimmy all wrong, which is why he never trusted him and always assumed the worst.

That's what made the whole situation tragic. Jimmy wasn't always a scamming POS, he did make an effort and tried because he looked up to his big brother as his hero. But Chuck's dirt low expectations of him and always assuming he was a scamming lowlife failure literally drove Jimmy to that fate. Especially that final encounter between the two where Chuck lectures Jimmy after telling him he never really cared at all about him and he'd respect him more if he just embraced the unethical POS that Chuck thought he was.

That just drove Jimmy over the edge where he just stopped giving two shits about trying to live up to the principles his brother lived by and instead embraced living down to the standards Chuck expected of him. Because Chuck told him he'd respect him more if he did.


He did take the money that the scammer payed him for the cigarettes out of the till though.


Chuck is/was a huge asshole. I agree, he treated Jimmy like shit and I can't blame Jimmy for finally accepting that his brother was a douche only after he died.


I love Kim. F this OP


Yeah, there's some weird incel shit going on with the OP.

Kim has a few faults like we all do but she loves Jimmy on some levels and just can't see some of his bad points.
