MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Everytime I think an eastersggs coming

Everytime I think an eastersggs coming

When they were in court I fully expected to see badger or skinny Pete maybe even jessy going up for a speeding ticket or some outrageous minor charge even when he started selling phones I figured perfect time to see one of those guys but nothing.surely Vincent and peter had to realize this one egg would have saved another Boring episode


Please tell me you're trolling. Do you seriously only watch this show for BB cameos? Are you a moron?

What if we did see one of those characters in the court. What then, dumbass? You'll be interested for 30 seconds and then be bored again while you hope for the next cameo?


I thought Badger or Skinny Pete was going to be the guy that Jimmy hired to rob the little figurine but then it ended up being Ira which was just as good.

I do admit this season has been kinda boring so far but that's what I thought of the first 4 episodes of seasons 2 and 3 and the end of those seasons ended up being amazing. And actually until the Crawl Space episode I thought Season 4 of Breaking Bad was pretty boring as well. So bottom line before I say the season sucks I am going to wait until the end.




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