This shows just existing now I cant even bring myself to enjoy it.too many little stupid scenarios going on now I surmise to explain things later but it's just so boring.wexler in the courtroom was the last straw it just was boringest 10 minutes of tv .
Yeah its unfortunate..An average show has more happen in 10 minutes than happens in Better Call Saul in whole episode worth. Nevermind the shows with fast pacing and intelligent focused dialogues(like Bob Thortons last one or House, Deuce and such).
And this last BCL 4th ep... what the heck did even happen? Nothing in the whole ep. Jimmy gets a job. Mike calls out a dude and might get a job, and Kim procrastinates. WTF. Fine those two dudes went and killed a few other guys but that was so freakin random. Zero movement of storyline or anything, like a turd on the road roasting in the sun.
Dont get it,they have excellent actors,excellent production all around quality wise,interesting story overall. They just dont use it but keep as still as possible and make every scene 15x times longer than necessary.
Better Call Saul is best to wait to end season and binge watch it.
They know they can spend five years indulging themselves because no matter how bad the ratings get it won't be cancelled and when it finally crosses over with BrBa and they get Cranston on it will be so highly publicized and viewed the slate of what led up to it will be erased.
You need to take a chill pill or this series isn't for you. Kim Wexler is slipping, too. Maybe she's slipping just as bad as Jimmy. Speaking of which, wtf is he doing? He's putting his entire lawyer career on the line now doing what he's doing with the Hummel figure and now burner phones. Not to mention the scenes with he and Kim together, but they're covering up what they're doing from each other. They used to communicate when working together, but they don't even take a cig break anymore.
I'm not sure where her attending the criminal law cases is leading to, but it's leading to something. And you can see her relationship with Jimmy is, too. Even Mike is burning bridges with his support group.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a slow burn drama as much as the next person, but this show has gotten ridiculously slow. They've already said that the timeline will overlap BB. But in BB Saul was already an established lawyer who was known from the commercials and known to the criminal element. Yet in BCS he still hasn't even made it to Saul territory.
And there's too many scenes of someone walking through a building or driving somewhere or working on something or building something, making us wait for the payoff of what they're doing. Sure BB used to have these types of scenes and used them so well, but BCS uses them so much to fill up time that it's become formulaic. It's kinda like when M Night Shyamalan figured out the twist ending was what made 6th Sense successful and that's all he did after that. Sit through boring movie to find out the twist. It's a formula now just like BCS has become.
The pacing on BB was so good. BCS seems to have no pacing. I never thought that BCS would be BB 2.0 but I at least thought it would go somewhere and be interesting. It's just meandering. Think about all the stuff that had happened in BB by the time they were half way through season 4. Up to this point, BCS can be summarized in only a few sentences.
I totally agree, and as I have posted elsewhere I have pretty much given up now.
You last point, even if you compare what happened in Season 1 (which was eventful and lively, and funny) with what has happened since in seasons 2-4.5, the show has moved at a snails pace since, especially Sauls Story.