MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > The current picture / poster of 'Better ...

The current picture / poster of 'Better Call Saul' with the white painted stripes

What is that supposed to be? I mean I know two yellow lines or one dotted white line would be the middle of a street, what are three white lines about? Is this an Adidas marketing crossover? I haz a confuzed, halp me


To me, it just looks to be referencing Jimmy's painting the walls, in part... with the rest of it just being artsy fartsy.


It seems like he's being painted over, symbolizing how life is running him over, things not going his way, etc.

I just don't get the 3 white lines thing


"I just don't get the 3 white lines thing"

Artsy fartsyness.


i think it's supposed to represent old time prison uniforms


this is what i was thinking too, referencing his fall into further criminality and black and white representing good/evil withing him


Me, too. But also love how it can mean many things.


Maybe it's a mixture of him painting his offices, with a mugshot photo where you have the height chart in the background, combined with the other street motifs in previous posters


Maybe he's painting himself and trying to blend in with the background, symbolizing his effort to be a normal lawyer? Not sure how to interpret it exactly in the context of the story so far, but it seems like it symbolizes a failed attempt to be something he isn't.


Prison uniforms.



I think the black and white stripes are like an old timey prison uniform. The number of stripes is not significant.

