Surprisingly boring.

With such an excellent cast, and such an important and intriguing plot, I expected this to me a decent flick.

Nope. shockingly underwhelming. Slooooooow-paced, dark, and yes, boring.

Maybe the second half is good. I dunno, I could last that far.

You have been warned.


IMO, they didn't foster enough relationships to expand upon the plot. The way the movie is made, it is very limited in story to develop. I enjoyed the movie and for all the work they did, they just missed having a great movie. The acting is excellent.


Was expecting a masterpiece and got a movie missing some cards.😀


Not only slow-paced, but utterly flat and colorless. Should have been edge-of-your-seat suspense, but turned out to be a grubby little borefest. Like others, I only made it halfway. One of the least engaging films I've seen...


Nice to know I wasn't the only one completely bored by this film. I couldn't even finish it. So dull.
