MovieChat Forums > Criminal (2016) Discussion > Why does Hollywood hate Costner?????

Why does Hollywood hate Costner?????

Every film that comes out of his the critics just rip it to shreds and they not only criticize the film they single out Costner. But everytime I have been to see one of his films I have always been entertained and found that the reviews do not correlate with what I'm seeing on the screen (e.g. Mr Brooks).

This film for example, they said everyone just mailed it in for the check, except Costner. he just p lain is a bad terrible actor. He was playing a guy with a messed up brain to start with and then two sets of memories inside his head at the same time. I thought he played that as well as can be.
The only one who mailed it in, imo, was Gary Oldman. His character was as one dimensional as one can portray. The rest of the cast did a good job

They also said it wsa pure dumb action. There were relatively few action scenes and definitely not the film's defining mission. There was plenty of dialogue and a few touching scenes with Jericho and the little girl and wonder woman.

the bad guys were one dimensional and very under developed, but they seemed more as a frame to move the main plot along.

I just don't get the constant criticism of KC from Hollywood, there has to be a reason behind it...anyone?


I've been asking myself that, too and I've always come up with no real reasons as to why they may diss him and his films.

I admit that I did not love Criminal the first time I saw it but when I went a second time I was totally invested in it and loved it.

I've been a huge Kevin Costner fan since I was a little kid and I always will be in his corner.


You should not put hate in your subject line. It is not appropriate. Freaking critics are paid to put their worthless opinions in and they are totally useless. Anybody who would pay any mind to what they say is pathetically crippled intellectually. I haven't got to see this film yet but I already know Kevin is excellent in it. He always is. I prefer to see him in hero roles. PLUS this movie was pitted against very strong competition like always!!! Why they cannot give his movies a good date to premiere is beyond me. It's like the studios want to hurt his films. I don't know. I just don't understand it. BUT know that Kevin is NOT hated. He has many, many, many fans out there. I am one.


IDK. They hated him as the grumpy Mariner in Water World. ME? I LOVED him in that role. Really loved him.

I also loved him in all his other movies.
I cant remember a bad performance from him.
He was just great in this movie, Criminal.
