Was anyone angry at how Claire treated Frank?
And I mean, practically fuming at the mouth? I get it, this is a super overly dramatic romance where some randomly good looking woman gets wept off her feet by a dashing, fit, Adonis in another time. Reminiscent of those 90's pulpy romance novels with yellowed up pages because of how long they've been sitting in the library, but let's get real here...
Frank not only lost his wife to her longing for Jaime, couldn't even make love to her without closing her eyes and dreaming of another man, but he ended up raising Jaime's child. And raising his child without prejudice towards her. He sacrificed his happiness not for Claire's sake, or for his, but for the sake of Brianna. And all because Claire saw Randall every time she looked at him.
Well I'm very sorry that your little time travel detour ended up with history tainting the image of your husband Frank Clair, but your husband was entirely innocent of his ancestor's crimes. The way she treated him was nothing short of sickening. And then she wants to have it both ways by throwing a hissy fit over Frank's affairs. So she doesn't want him anymore, but then doesn't want anyone else to enjoy him either?
This was a good man. A good man who by all accounts should serve as a model husband and father and he got thrown under the bus by his wife. It's infuriating. He didn't deserve to get cast aside like some side character that suddenly got in the way. The way they closed his arc was completely unsatisfying. poor Frank.