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"Film and Telly Stuff" - next week with an "Outlandish" section

Yesterday I listened to "Film and Telly Stuff", the Luke & Al podcast, apparently something new. It certainly is unique in its sort. This is not a review of this podcast, I'm just conveying some impressions. Actually, it's something for the general board as well, but I have no clue where to post it.

Initially I was reluctant to listen to two hours of talk (normally, I manage about 10 minutes), I don't even start listening when I see that it's that lengthy, but oooh am I glad I made an exception with this one.
Two guys, both actors, talked for two hours about film and TV and held my attention from the beginning to the last minute. Chapeau! Haven't seen either of them in anything, but they definitely knew what they were talking about.
They talk very engagingly about really all (!) aspects of film and TV, from new productions to classics (and earliest beginnings), garnished with good choices of music too (new and old).
A real bonus is Luke's voice, perfect (!) articulation and rhythm. Fell in love with his voice, a voice that keeps you awake. I invite him to read to me the biggest phonebook there is. I forgot instantly all about Tobias' wonderful voice (sorry Tobias-yes, you too have a great voice!!). Al smiles a lot while he talks - oh, I love that too!! Although you don't see him you can hear it.

I read later that they're going to do an Outlander review next week, or in their own words an 'Outlandish' section. Sounds promising. Thought it would also be interesting for you to know.
Waxing that lyrical, it's self-evident that I highly recommend their program. I'm not retweeting it because as the most passive, boring laziest Tweeter I chose I would be on Twitter my range of spreading the word (or any word) is negligible 😁

Their program airs every Monday from 5-7.



P.S. I'm going to pull Sam's Grand Marshall Parade last year in Manhattan from page 5 to page 1 on his IMDb board. Let the 'sleepy' board shine for another 12 days 🌹


I listened to it, too and I liked it very much as well. Can't wait for the "Outlandish section".

Luke is Sam's best friend. He travelled with Sam last year on his promo tour to Australia and then later to LA and New York.

And I agree about the voice. Great voice!


Ah, I see. Glad you liked it too. I can't imagine anyone not liking it. Two hours talking and keeping you interested is quite an achievement! He has a wonderful voice, and laugh. I saw his picture on their logo, but wondered what kind of man I would have seen in my mind's eye with such a voice if I hadn't known how he looks. He would have been tall (because I don't know better, all men in the family are about his height). Probably blond. He is a ginger (looked here on his IMDb-page), but here is the point where my imagination stops.
Did you btw notice how many British (and American) actors have these great voices?
It's not a voice for reading bedtime stories though (I think...). His voice keeps you awake.πŸ“’
Sam's voice is for day and night.πŸŒžπŸŒ›


Loved their second podcast/show too. This was the one with the Outlander section; so adorable how they did it 😁 They thought of interviewing Sam (would have been a wise decision), but a phone call to SA would have cost them a fortune. Collect call, guys? (promotional budget Starz), Skype?
Because the last part went off-air over here I don’t know if they interviewed Sam after all. Tried to find a link to re-listen the last part (and first 20 minutes I missed), but couldn’t find a link. A link like the one last week on their Twitter would be a good idea.
All in all, again, a delightful listening experience! They're really good. Love them! 😘


Don't think Sam went to SA yet..

Hope is a Weapon, Survival is Victory- Dunkirk Movie


Don't think Sam went to SA yet..

This implies that there couldn't have been an interview at the end (it would have been a good idea though – wherever he is. Duncan would have been a good alternative option; lower phone costs too... ;)
Still, I'd like to hear the last part. Actually, I don't even know how long the end-part was that I missed. And it stopped at a terrible moment, about 15 second into Dire Straits 😑.
