Awesome first two acts. 3rd not so much.
This was an interesting movie that had me hooked from the beginning with its unique setup. To have the main character as a policewoman was a great plot piece as it solved the general "Why don't they just leave?" questiom that plagues most horror movies. Her desire to keep her job and not look like a scared and easily rattled rookie unfit for duty kept her from leaving or even calling for help during the initial stages of the movie while the demon's power built up and eventually consumed her.
I have to assume Cohen was offering her as some sort of sacrifice to the demon.
I do not get the homeless guy's angle to get into the files unless that was just typical crazy homeless dude stuff.
The movie broke down for me in the end because who powerful the demon suddenly came in being able to warp reality and get the hazmat guys in the building and Cohen suddenly being there to rescue or kill her. It was a shame because the first hour of the movie had me scared and tense and most all horror movies dont do that to me any more but the end turned into to standard ghost around every corner jump scare movie.
Still a lot better than I expected and great acting from the lead.