MovieChat Forums > Last Shift (2015) Discussion > Sounds identical to Let Us Pray, really ...

Sounds identical to Let Us Pray, really identical.

I'm still gonna give it a go this afternoon, though I can't possibly imagine Last Shift coming close to level of horror that was on display in Let Us Pray. Both films being released in 2014 can't say what script came first, but you can literally copy, paste and interchange the plot summaries from Last Shift and Let Us Pray and they would fit perfectly.

From Let US Pray: Rachel, a rookie cop, is about to begin her first night shift in a neglected police station in a Scottish, backwater town. The kind of place where the tide has gone out and stranded a motley bunch of the aimless ect. ect. ect...............and All Hell Will Break Loose!

Last Shift: A rookie cop's 1st shift in the last night of a closing police station alone turns into a living nightmare. The plot echoes John Carpenter's 'Assault on Precinct 13' but with supernatural twist.

Be back to make a comparison after the film...........

Well it seems that they are two very different films despite the synopsis. Last Shift is also a creepy, atmospheric horror flick. At times it suffers a little because it's just us and the lone cop as we are dragged from "one hallucination, or is it?" scenario to another(some scenes left with a question mark), but the last act was particularly tense and quite creepy. The ending was good imo, fitting. I could knit pick about a few things, but as a big fan of horror I'll be forgiving because I did enjoy the film overall. Worth a watch 6.5/10


I thought I have seen let us prey, but I can't seem to remember it. I will have to give it another look after I finish watching last shift. The synopsis do seem the same but let us prey looks more flashy.


Let Us Prey was heavy on the blood, gore, violence and action whereas this was more of a psychological horror flick.


Which one would you say is better, Let us Prey or Last Shift?


Definitely Let US Prey, hands down.


I Agree 100% on Let's Us Pray being Better of the two!!


Without question Let us Prey is a superior movie in every sense. I will say that the two movies are quite different.. Besides taking place in a police station, and it being the main character's first day in that station (though in LUP, the girl WAS a veteran police officer, it was just her first day in that particular precinct, while the girl in this movie is a total rookie,)that's where the similarities end. The plot of both movies are VERY different. This movie wasn't utterly awful, I just liked Let us Prey better from both a story and technical standpoint. Plus the soundtrack to Let Us Prey was boss.


Yeah, first thought was Let Us Prey.

Unfortunately Last Shift didn't even measure up to Prey, a film that was itself OK at best.

An incoherent and pointless mess of a film.


Sweet. I came here looking to see if it was a remake of Let Us Prey.

Guess I'll give it a go also.


It was OK for a low budget. A couple decent scares, real F/X not CGI so some points for that although one or two were very fake.

My biggest problem was her lack of acting like a police officer and idly standing by having these weird encounters. It throws the entire movie off and made me not care because she is clearly too stupid to live.

Definitely recommend Let Us Prey over this as they are not in the same league.


My biggest problem was her lack of acting like a police officer and idly standing by having these weird encounters. It throws the entire movie off and made me not care because she is clearly too stupid to live.

Exactly. I don't understand how people who gave this a good rating could overlook this (and other low quality elements in this movie). First off, she should have called in for someone to take care of the hobo. She doesn't have the resources or training for that stuff by herself. When the police officer showed up she just casually mentions to him, "Oh yeah, there's this hobo in the holding cell. No biggie." I was like WTF? Aren't you gonna ask the cop to take a look and see if he can take the hobo to the new station? Any cop in her place would have asked a cop with free time to take the hobo away, since it's not her job to take care of people but just watch the building.

Also, when she figures out the cop isn't in on the prank, why didn't she ask him to look over the building with her? She didn't have to mention the strange occurrences if she didn't want to. But he came there to see if she needed any help. I find it difficult to believe any cop, even a rookie, wouldn't ask another cop to check out parts of the building with her that she's encountered as being off.

Another thing, when she realized the hobo was seeing the same freaky things she was, why didn't she realize something's wrong? Even if they were just hallucinations, she should have realized something was wrong with the building. If two people are experiencing freaky visions, then that might mean ghosts or some gas leak in the building is causing their hallucinations or something else that doesn't make the situation right. Instead, she was basically like, "Okay. We're both experiencing the same freaky visions. It's perfectly fine." WTF????


I didn't like Let Us Pray much but it was great in comparison with this crapfest

A wrong decision is better than indecision


Agreed. When I first heard the synopsis, I immediately thought of let us prey, and Val Kilmer's "the Traveler" (both of which were better films). As the film progressed, I caught myself rolling my eyes.


Let Us Prey is garbage. This movie is way better.
