MovieChat Forums > Last Shift (2015) Discussion > Some questions. "Spoilers ahead"

Some questions. "Spoilers ahead"

So, I was wondering what officer Price was doing there? Was he one of the the demons that was messing with her or was he really his spirit coming to visit her. And what's with the ceiling tile that had "SOW" burned into it,i never understood why that was there, there had to be a meaning behind it. Where did that crazylady come out of all of a sudden that knocked officer Loren or and then shot her self in the head?


Sow is another word for cow. Mainly women are called cow. Prob paymon calling her a cow


That sow reference makes sense.

I think that price was actually a trick, because at the end he shows up again and he says, " I promise I'm not f$cking with you" then shoots himself in the head and his eyes roll back and blood pours out to scare her.


A sow is female pig (not a cow). They were messing with her, calling her a pig, also the girl on the phone kept saying she heard pigs.


Forgot to add this. The girl said she was celebrating the anniversary of his death


I actually took the SOW thing to be a reference to pigs.. A sow is a female pig, and cops are often referred to as pigs so... That was my thought anyways. I just thought Price was there to kinda help her understand what was going on, he was just a spirit.. But then the fact that Paymon and his ghost lackies used Loren's dad's voice to try and keep her in the station makes me second guess whether that was truly Price's spirit or just another of their tricks..


Sow is definitely a reference to female pigs. I've never heard a cow called a sow since it is already the female term for cattle (males being bulls, obviously).

I'm not sure that was really Price's spirit or not. Or if he was somehow corrupted or enslaved to Paymon. I think Loren will end up suffering the same fate as Price though.


Yeah, sows are definitely female pigs. Which would totally make sense in this case. Sow has never meant cow, and that wouldn't even make sense


The sow is mine is something Pazuzu yells in The Exorcist referring to Regan. Just a non-sequitor.

Was Price really a cop who was killed with her father though?


I think price was exactly that.


Price shows up just as she is having her breakdown. Comeout! I know you're *beep* with me! Then he shows up. Gives her a petals and calms her down more than likely so she won't freak out and leave. He explains to her two cops were killed but he never reveals who the 2nd cop is. So I believe he was a spirit corrupted or cursed so to speak by the cult. He was there to keep her inside just as her father was when he called. And when she is shot the cult covers her with a blanket condemning her to the same fate.


*Peptalk not petals (stupid auto correct)


sow is a female pig.
it could also refer in as "you reap what you sow"
