MovieChat Forums > Comet (2014) Discussion > I wish I was better at parallel universe...

I wish I was better at parallel universe/time travel/these types of film


I know time travel had nothing to do with this just using it as an example of the kind of movies I never seem to understand.

I am fantastic at figuring out "twists" in a movie like 20 mins in. It's almost annoying how good I am at it because it's hard for me to then really enjoy the "surprises." I always guess them early on.

And I am fantastic at reading subtext and insightful enough to understand all their dialogue in this and I am good at personality behaviors etc etc.

But when it comes to parallel universe stuff--or time travel--I get so lost.

So this is what I took from the film, and I know it's probably wrong so if anyone is really AWESOME at this kind of film please explain because I like figuring it out somehow.

First of all, I liked parts of this movie, and sometimes I liked the characters but mostly I didn't like either of them. They were both annoying in their own ways. But I digress;

What I thought was going on was----

Them at the meteor shower was how they really met. The different scenes of dialogue were different stages in their relationship. Back and forth of how the most important parts stood out to him. The key conversations and moments in why it was working and not working.

But here is where I get confused, but it sort of makes sense in a way.

There were those 2 suns. I have NO IDEA what that whole scene represents. The one that seemed like a "dream" or literally like a parallel universe. Part of me wants to think that was the dream he was talking about and the rest was real. Because things were changing all around them, and she wasn't noticing, only him. If they were BOTH in that universe she would notice the changes too.

So at first I think the parallel universes they were talking about were happening in those different dialogues that we think is all real and all one universe.


He had two very strong personalities that contradicted himself. So did she. For him- One was the him that was cynical about love and commitment. Another, where he was turning into a hopeless romantic that cannot live without love.

On the train he was the hopeless romantic.
At the park he was cynical.
In the hotel, he was inbetween. He shows this by wanting to propose, but ruining the proposal by ending with the worst thing you could possibly say to a woman. Which showed his true colors still about what he wasn't capable with in a relationship.
On the phone call he was the romantic who was jealous and hurt.
He goes in and out of being very close to a complete narcissist, like just barely passing that line from selfish, self important, to almost a complete narcissist--- to being an incredibly insecure, obsessive almost needy person.

I know he could have changed within the relationship because people change and evolve over the years---but part of me now thinks he was living his life normally, and unaware of it, this relationship was happening in parallel universes where they were almost opposite every time. When she was the romantic needing more he couldn't give it. When he was the romantic wanting more, she was basically cheating on him and being insensitive and only when he broke up with her she freaked out (bordering narcissism as well)---when right before she just wanted to get off the phone and seemed more carefree about their relationship. Also we don't even know where and when that car phone call part is in the midst of their relationship. It couldn't have been after the proposal. Or before. So that confused me. And the Kim in the hotel and the Kim in the car---are two opposite people.

The Dell in the park and the Dell on the phone or in the dream like scene--- still two opposite people.

And the ending shows two suns. They were both standing on either side. I feel like that symbolically was showing two suns (two personalities) that kept changing in the parallels. So his "relationship" at least in this world where paralell universes exist---wasn't just a normal, evolving/changing relationship in one universe because at the beginning it says "6 different universes over" That could mean 6 different universes, not just two different universes. A lot of people on here are saying the dream like one was the parallel universe or dream and the dialogues between them was the normal one universe.

And that in the normal one, he gets her off the train and gets her back forever.
In the dream, she ends up with this Jack guy.

But that doesn't make sense, really. If they got back together in the "one true universe" then she never got back with Jack at all. So why would it be that in the other one she ends up with him and then lying about being pregnant because "Every relationship should start off with a lie" Which is why he took a minute where they didn't say anything (like she did in the park) And he realized she lied and what that meant---and went in for the kiss because that was her way of telling him she wanted him. Which means ultimately, they end up together no matter what.

I think the one with the two suns was the dream, he kept saying "this isn't a dream, this isn't a dream." Usually when you are telling yourself that----it is a dream.

And she had NO knowledge of the world shaking and the skies changing, and just moving from spot to the other. And it ended up in HIS favor. Just like in the other universes it kept changing, but ultimately he got her off the train and they kissed and that was their second chance. The dream just could have been him and his constant fear of everything falling apart, "finality" as he put it----- but in the end, they were standing under the suns that truly represented their romantic sensitive sides where they both realized they wanted each other no matter what. And that's why he had that dream.

I don't know. I am probably totally wrong---but it was interesting to me how even in the "seemingly real universe that was only one universe" they kept being opposites. Two different scenarios could have happened, either they KEPT going back and forth and playing that dance from one universe to the other, or they caught up with one another and were both finally at balance like in his dream. And I think because of their love for one another---it finally stopped. And the ending was symbolic of that, and many other things.



Metaphorical for what though, exactly? Like that things are always changing and people always wish "in another time or world" things could end up differently? But they ended up together ultimately, so I still don't get that lol. I'm retarded.


I don't think it was metaphorical I think it was meant to be like.. In one universe they didn't end up together, and in another one they did. Like the ending with the two Suns rising. I'm not sure exactly how to explain it but I think in one universe he got her back.



Nah, not retarded. I think you're just trying to get more out of the parallel universe hook than is really there. It's more a concrete device than it is metaphor. And also the movie synopsis here is a little misleading: it flatly states the whole story takes place in a parallel universe, but it doesn't. Besides some vaguely fantastical special effects -- when she asks him his favorite word and he says "comet" and she draws a comet in the air with her finger and the filmmakers use effects to animate a comet -- the story takes place in this universe, not a parallel universe. (There's only one sun in our world.) The only scenes that take place in a parallel universe are the ones describing the course of their meeting at the end of their relationship timeline. In the shot of her apartment building from outside, you see two suns set. Then on the roof when she says she won't get back together with him, says he feels like he's in the wrong world, that out there somewhere there are parallel universes in which they are together. The final scene, two suns rise. We don't have two suns; it's the a parallel universe. He rushes to kiss her, cut to black, do they wind up together or not? They wind up together. There were two suns in the final scenes, and ONLY in the final scenes. He was, after all, at the moment in the wrong world, not our universe but a parallel universe. The implication is that in our world, HIS world within our universe's timeline, they get back together.


Well I'm also usually dislike this type of movie(specially time-travels), Although I really like this movie but it really bugs my mind, whoever I have some theories.

1. I Think the movie can be seen in multiple ways, just one scene can represent a lot of things, maybe because of the small budget or because Sam Esmail Wanted that way.

2. The way I see it is just a couple along of the years, with up and downs in their relationship, what bugs me its the last scene, the effects and the two suns can represent a dream, or two worlds colliding. What I think is that it was really happening, the pregnancy could be the lie, Dell tells her that a lie could help in their relationship, when she lies he says it didn't count because he could see it comin, but when she reveals her pregnancy the first thing he says is: " i didn't see that coming", another interesting
thing I noticed watching the movie for the second time was her expressions, she doesn't look nearly as sad as he does, it could meant that she just didn't feel nothin' for him or that she was in fact lying, also in the last minute of the film when she was about to say something he interrupts her and they stay almost a minute in silence, he then proceeds to kiss her. I think on that moment he realizes shes lying.

3. Another thing you can notice is that right before the scene goes black and the movie ends, if you pause right there you will see that he's covering one of the suns which could represent a photograph or a painting, as she quote : " the only thing that has no end,middle or begin"

Ps: The only thing I still don't understand is when he opens her book and only sees a bunch of numbers and letters

PsĀ²: Sorry for my bad english, still learning


Excellent point, his line, I didn't see that coming. I thought the pregnancy might be the lie, too, but I didn't catch the proof of it like you did. I still think the double suns is intended as a simple visual cue that he feels like he's not in the right world because he isn't in the right world.


The letters and numbers from the book implies that he's dreaming that part since you can't read in dreams (although its more like a vast majority of people can't read in dreams but whatevs)


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