Well I was a little confused at first. But here is the final conclusion for anyone else confused like me. The movie takes place in a parallel universe. As said in the description of the movie on IMDB and also the beginning of the movie and also based on the two suns. His statement at the end of the movie "I feel like I was meant to be with you, maybe in a parallel universe." So in our single sun universe they stayed together.
You should learn how spoiler alerts work. I just saw this last night; some people are going to give the board a quick look to see how people like it. Don't want to mess it up for them. My take on the ending was that they stayed together in the alternate universe. The very last thing we see is them running to each other. I think they got back together.
Other than the two suns thing, when he went up to her, at first I thought 'he is going to kiss her'...and then for a brief moment, I remembered they were on the roof and I thought 'Maybe he is going to throw the both of them off the roof!' LOL
That wouldn't have surprised me. Also side note your quote "shake your hair girl with your ponytail" is literally one of my favorite things ever. Most likely because I thought I was the only one who loved that movie
"You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it."
If someone is interested in whether other folks like a particular movie or not, they can ask their friends or look at IMDB main page about the film, or check critics' reviews or whatever. Or, they can watch the movie themselves and make up their own dayum minds.
One person's laziness should not dictate another person's freedom to comment about a movie and its specifics.
IMHO, IMDB is designed to discuss film, and it's often difficult to do that with any meaning if you can't mention/have to 'hide' something about the film that is potentially a 'spoiler' for someone who hasn't yet seen the movie but for some reason feels compelled to come on over to IMDB to comment about a movie they haven't yet seen.
The 'Wah Wah, don't spoil the movie like that' comments are nothing more than senseless nagging by folks who apparently have nothing else substantial to say about the movie, and rank right up there with 'This movie is the WORST film of all time' types of comments/thread titles.
Rant over
"A distant ship, smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves."
My girlfriend had a great take on the ending, which made the movie for me. Remember at the beginning when he says he lied about seeing the 6th sense. Then she tries to get her lie out of the way (about the QB rape) and he says to her "That is a terrible lie. You need to wait until I'm in a completely vulnerable position where I'd really fall for it." She says, that sounds really dangerous. Through out the movie, they never mention her lie.
Now at the end when she drops the pregnancy bombshell and you can see he's broken, realizing it's actually over (Justin does an incredible cerebral acting job). He even tries to rationalize it and she says "don't make it a joke" Then she says "Dell..." trying to speak but he cuts her off saying "Just give me a minute o.k." Now imagine if she was going to say "Dell... Are you vulnerable enough? That was my lie". I think that's the perfect ending. I don't think you can have such an important and open ended moment without it coming around.
thats what i kept thinking, waiting for her to reveal that it was her lie. but then im not sure it would've been her lie, because she went on to state she loves Jack, etc.. like MULTIPLE lies.
That is a beautiful thought. And to be honest because of the ambiguous ending, plausible.
But, I do recall in the phone call on the way to the gun range right before he hangs up on her, he explains that the texting to jack for a month was her lie. This really hurt him and this was the lie he was talking about for her in their relationship. She had been texting Jack for a full month, and right after she discloses that fact he advises her that this was her "lie".
One could argue that she did not get a conscious lie, like he did with 6th sense, so perhaps the ending was her conscious lie.
I don't think so, though. I think she may have allowed him one last kiss, or perhaps she stopped even that. She was pretty crushing with how she stomped all his theories about the missing ring and circles under her eyes. I like that Sam Esmail chose not to divulge what happens at the end, but weighing the signs, I just don't see them getting back together right then and there. Perhaps after she gets a divorce though? I mean just because she decided not to get back with him then, it doesn't mean the rest of the timeline has zero possibilities. It was obvious she loved him even then. She just decided not to choose him as she also loved Jack.
His biggest mistake was breaking up with her over the text messages. I can understand why, but retrospective thinking, that was the nail in the coffin. She had not even cheated. And he just dropped her. Then his fear of the next 5 mins came true and got the call about his mother being dead, just cemented it all.
The message of the movie was the best imo. The ending has no more or less value than any part. She understood this. He did not. She loved him and wanted to express to him how much the part he had to play in her life mattered. Not so she could get to where she got, so much as he was apart of her painting.
This was probably my second favorite love story. The first being Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Esmail and Kaufman should team up. I bet it would be amazing.
Eternal Sunshine has always been my favorite romantic movie. I've just watched Comet and I too think it's right up there with it, I'm just stunned and floored by how much I enjoyed it, I was not expecting to love it like this, wow.
The message of the movie was the best imo. The ending has no more or less value than any part. She understood this. He did not. She loved him and wanted to express to him how much the part he had to play in her life mattered. Not so she could get to where she got, so much as he was apart of her painting.
^ This. Thank you for this. You made the movie for me! reply share
That's exactly as I interpreted it. It was the immediate thought that popped into my head the second she said, "Dell.." He specifically told her to wait until he was at his most vulnerable to lie to him.
I seriously just thought that the whole movie is the entire content of Dell's dream as he said that he had a dream about their conversation including the last things they were talking about in the last few scenes. Dell said that he was about to kiss Kim then he woke up which is the exact same thing that happened on the ending. I mean dreams can a little be distorted and surrealistic so I guess that's where all the two suns and parallel universe came from.