MovieChat Forums > Salem (2014) Discussion > Is this show any good?

Is this show any good?

I have it in my Netflix list and I'm considering watching it. Has anyone watched it and is it any good?


Yes!!!! Absolutely watch




I got hooked and binge watched on Netflix. The there's some crazy stuff on there


It's better than good! Very highly recommended!!


Season 1: decent
Season 2: Terrible
Season 3: Who know's, stopped watching during season 2


Oh yeah. Hands down the best show that has ever been produced about witches. :)


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


Season 1- good if you're into Salem history and the witch trials but kind of slow moving. Still sprinkled with moments of greatness and really good writing.
Season 2- The really good writing gets better. The pace is faster than Season 1, the stakes are higher, the characters get more interesting, it's scarier and more entertaining.
Season 3- starting off strong like Season 2 did and this season all $hit is hitting the fan.

It's honestly only gotten better and better and is still continuously getting better. It hasn't peaked yet at all as a series.


Excellent. Janet Montgomery is especially good. Binge watched it two times already.


What are the ages of Anne Hale and Mercy? I think Mercy is a teenager but Anne is older...can't find answer on Salem wicki.
