Pretty much every main character, aside from John, Tituba, Mary, and Anne.
I'm not sure how I feel about the finale. I'm happy for John and Mary but Isaac didn't deserve to die, especially the way he did. She could have spared him because Isaac genuinely coated for the people despite their treatment of him. I don't think I was necessarily expecting Salem to be saved but rather Anne snapped out of her crazy to build the town anew as sort of to create a new peaceful Salem. A bit romanticized I know, but I never could get used to year being "evil" and in the end being so power hungry. Initially she was one of the few seemingly rational and kind person, then they started making her a complete nutjob suddenly hellbent on vengeance. All that work and death essentially for nothing but for the town to still be ruled in darkness anyway. One witch to rule them all, I guess?
It wasn't a horrible finale but it wasn't really great.